過去許多研究指出詞彙知識與理解之間有極大的關連性,然而對於學童的詞彙知識的測量多數僅聚焦在接受性詞彙知識的廣度,即調查識字量,並沒有探討學童能主動運用詞彙知識的能力﹝表達性詞彙﹞或對一個詞彙存在不同面向的知識﹝詞彙的深度﹞。因此,本研究主要的目的是希望能夠更全面的審視幼童之接受性詞彙與表達性詞彙的質與量如何影響幼童的閱讀理解,換言之,本研究將從詞彙知識之兩面向去解構其複雜度:(1)接受性詞彙與表達性詞彙;(2)詞彙的廣度與深度,並進一步探究其與閱讀理解之關係。本研究的研究對象將包括國小一二年級的學童各五十名。研究方法主要是透過發展一系列的研究工具包括量測學童的閱讀理解能力及接受性詞彙的深度與廣度、表達性詞彙的深度與廣度等來蒐集學童各面向的詞彙知識。另外,學童之間的個別差異變項,例如:認知能力與家庭語文環境背景,也將使用標準化測驗(瑞文氏彩色圖形推理測驗)及自編家庭語文環境與互動問卷來進行調查。希冀本研究結果能以跨年級比較的方式,提供對於不同年齡的幼童在接受性詞彙與表達性詞彙的深、廣度及閱讀理解的發展之間的變化與相關的瞭解;並更全面性的探討詞彙知識在幼童閱讀理解發展中所扮演的角色。 The relationship between vocabulary knowledge and reading comprehension has been the focus of study for a long tradition. Although most of the findings indicated that readers’ vocabulary size, which is their breadth of vocabulary knowledge, has strong correlation with their reading comprehension, comparatively few studies investigated how other dimensions, such as the depth of vocabulary knowledge, the receptive and expressive vocabulary knowledge, contribute to the development of students’ reading comprehension. The main purpose of the proposed study is to rethink the role of these four dimensions of vocabulary knowledge in children’s reading comprehension. Participants of this study will involve 50 first graders and 50 second graders. There will be a serial of tasks and measures developed to assess students’ receptive and expressive vocabulary size and their breadth and depth of vocabulary knowledge. Other variables, such as individual differences in cognitive abilities and home literacy backgrounds will also be investigated. Results of this study will have implications both for developing multi-dimensions tasks for measuring vocabulary knowledge and also for vocabulary practices at homes and in schools. 研究期間:10001 ~ 10012