摘要: | 目前泰國華人約有六百萬人,當中以潮州人(當地稱Teochew或是Teochiu)人居多數,有56%;而客家族群有16%居次,海南(Hainanese)有11%,廣東(Cantonese)與福建人(Hokkien)均約有7%。但在泰國華人群中,客家仍保有獨特的族群認同,以各種會社(associations)或俱樂部(clubs)凝聚其族群內部的認同、傳承語言文化、增加彼此的互動等等。但是,泰國的客家族群想要維持自己的認同與文化卻也是一個漫長而艱辛的過程,特別在於1992年之前,泰國政府禁止華文教育,導致許多華裔必須以「地下」的方式來傳授華文或是母語;同時,在外在社會多數仍以「華僑」或是「華人」做為其分類方式,客家認同如何與其他華人族群,如潮州或是海南進行區隔,建立其獨特的族群認同?其中主要的認同意涵又是什麼?本研究希望從不同的社會歷史、國家政策、當地族群互動等脈絡之下,釐清泰國客家可能有的樣貌,並聚焦於客家社團如何建構客家認同?如何傳承客家文化?以哪些方式來建立族群認同的邊界,進一步與其他華人族群進行區分?在這些客家認同的想像中,客家社團的角色與功能為何?其社會網絡又是如何建立?為了回答這些問題,預計使用的研究方法為深度訪談與參與觀察法,訪問的對象主要包括客家社團的幹部與成員,瞭解客家社團實際活動情形,相關的文化活動、族群認同的發展狀況等。The Hakka people comprise a global cultural and ethnic group that lives in Asia (from China to Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia), America, Europe, Africa and Oceania. This paper focuses on the experience of the Hakka people in Thailand . A major ethnic minority in Thailand is the Chinese (about 14% of the total population), who are engaged in business and commerce throughout the country. Of the Chinese, 56% are of Chaozhou decent, approximately 16% are of Hakka decent, 11% are Hainanese, and Cantonese and Hokkien immigrants make up less than 7%. The Hakkas maintain their ethnic identity, tradition and culture through participation in various associations and clubs. Since the 1980s, more and more Hakkas have moved to Thailand from Taiwan, maintaining strong ties between the two countries. The establishment of the Hakka Committee in Taiwan has breathed new life into Hakka cultural development by preserving and promoting the Hakka language and culture, and has attracted the attention of overseas Hakkas as well. As a result, Taiwan’s Hakka policy is being adopted as a “transnational cultural policy”, not only influencing the Hakkas in Taiwan, but also the Hakkas in other countries such as Thailand. This paper discusses the development and changes in ethnic cultural policies relative to the Hakkas in Thailand and Taiwan, and examines how Taiwanese Hakka in Thailand have constructed their identity across national, ethnic and cultural boundaries between Taiwan and Thailand. Furthermore, we explore how the Taiwanese Hakka associations in Thailand are influenced by the various cultural policies of both Taiwan and Thailand. 研究期間:10001 ~ 10011 |