不論是在「順序分區揀貨」或是「同步分區揀貨」,各個區域的揀貨人員必須待在其所屬的揀貨區域,而且相鄰區域的揀貨人員不能互相幫忙。此限制對這些分區揀貨系統會有不良的影響,例如:此限制會讓這些分區揀貨系統有工作量不平衡的問題(例如:在某些時候,某些揀貨區域的人員會較忙碌,某些揀貨區域的人員會較不忙碌,甚至是閒置),因而產生閒置的浪費,進而造成揀貨績效不佳的缺點。另外,在「同步分區揀貨」,此限制也可能會造成「較長的總揀貨行走距離」的缺點,此缺點也會影響揀貨系統的表現。針對這些缺點,本計畫提出「互助合作」方法,換言之,允許相鄰區域的揀貨員能夠互相幫忙。吾人希望藉由「相鄰區域的揀貨人員能互相幫助」,來解決上述的缺點。本研究計畫以兩年的時間,分別針對「順序分區揀貨」與「同步分區揀貨」兩種系統,來提出適合他們使用的「互助合作」方法。本研究也將探討如何進行「品項的儲位指派」,才能對「順序分區揀貨」之「互助合作」的執行有最好的助益。而針對「同步分區揀貨」,本研究也將探討該如何進行「品項分群」、「指派品項群於各區域」,「品項的儲位指派」,以及「合作區域的設立」,才能對其「互助合作」的執行有最好的助益。本研究的進行步驟簡述如下:(1)首先,吾人將對與本研究問題相關的文獻,加以收集、回顧與研究。(2)在了解這些問題的相關研究後,吾人將正式定義這些問題。(3)建構這些問題的解題架構,然後發展方法。在方法發展上,吾人將遵循理論、實用與效率並重的原則。(4)為了解這些方法的表現,吾人將利用電腦來進行模擬實驗、測試與比較。(5)根據模擬實驗的結果,吾人可了解方法的表現,這些知識將可幫助吾人進一步改善方法。換言之,吾人可重複步驟3至步驟5來進一步改善方法,直到找到滿意的方法為止。最後,吾人希望本研究成果對物流產業能有實質的幫助,吾人也希望本研究成果有拋磚引玉的作用,能對其他未來的相關研究有所助益。In a sequential zone picking system or a synchronized zone picking system, a picker is not allowed to leave his/her zone and enter other zones. This restriction can cause a serious shortcoming in which some zones are very busy, while some are not or even idle. Another shortcoming caused by this restriction is the longer travel distance of pickers in a synchronized zone picking system. These two shortcomings can hinder the performance of the entire system. To avoid these shortcomings, we propose a cooperation strategy so that pickers of neighboring zones can help each other. The main task is to develop various cooperation methods and compare their performance so that the best cooperation method can be found. We will also discuss the issue of how to design zones and the cooperation zones to facilitate the cooperation between neighboring zones. We plan to complete studying the above problems in two years. The main steps of this research are briefly described as follows. (1) First, to have a better understanding of the problems studied here, an extensive survey of related studies will be conducted. (2) One then defines and models the problems. (3) The next step is to devise methods for these problems. (4) To understand the performance of the proposed methods, computer simulation experiments will be conducted. (5) The experimental results will be analyzed. The analysis result can help us improve the proposed methods. Finally, it is hoped that the results of this study can benefit distribution centers. It is also hoped that this study can provide some helpful insights in the related research. 研究期間:10008 ~ 10107