方便性是便利超商在市場競爭的重要利基,其中空間方便性及選擇產品的方便性對於顧客決定是否到店消費有極大的影響,而這兩大方便性可以藉由縮短顧客與其鄰近店家的距離及增加各商店內的產品多樣性來有效的強化。對於空間方便性方面,便利超商趨向於目標市場區域內開設更多的商店來縮短顧客與店家距離以獲得空間方便性;對於選擇產品的方便性上,由於在便利超商店內,展示貨架便等同於可於倉儲的空間,為了增加選擇的方便性而又不需負擔巨額的存貨成本,店家會希望配銷中心以少量但高頻率的方式進行補貨。為了能夠在不顯著地增加配銷成本的情況下,同時強化兩個方便性,便利超商通路通常會採用合併運送的方式來進行補貨。生產配銷系統系統設計問題在學術界是個已被研究多年的問題,大量的研究提供了許多的物流系統模型來幫助決策者在物流配銷系統的設計上做出最佳的決策(場址設置、設施大小、技術需求、生產範疇等)以達成企業的長期目標。為了簡化問題,在以往的許多研究中研究者假設市場上的的需求為常數,但這個假設與大部分的實際情況並不相符。舉例來說,當越容易到達店家或店家提供更多商品以供選擇時,顧客會更樂於消費。顧客的需求會受到空間方便性及品項多樣性影響是比較合理的假設。本研究中我們將模式化空間方便性及品項多樣性對於顧客需求的影響及品項多樣性與合併運送間之關係,並將其包含在物流配銷系統決策問題的數學模型中,主要的問題決策將包含目標市場中的店家數量及各店家補貨決策等等,其決策目標為最大化整個系統利潤。本研究將會面臨的挑戰在於如何模式化受空間方便性及品項多樣性影響的顧客需求,並將其整合進去連續性概似模型以趨近各成本與營收模型,以及如何發展最佳化技術來求解此問題。本研究主要貢獻在於所提出的物流配銷系統決策模型中考量需求會被空間方便性及產品多樣性影響的情形,並分析與探討其對相關物流配銷決策的影響。我們將透過數值分析,驗證所提出模型的正確性及評估相關管理意涵,我們將比較需求受或不受上述兩種方便性影響的兩個連續性概似模型。我們期望藉由本研究,能深入瞭解相關於空間方便性及品項多樣性對於多層級配銷系統決策影響,使管理者在進行決策及經營上能更加準確而周全。 Convenience is the most important advantage in market competition for a convenience store industry. Space convenience and selection convenience are two convenience features which influence customers’ determinations greatly in a convenience store system. These two convenience features can be enhanced by shortening the distance between a customer and a nearby store, and increasing the product variety in convenience stores. For the space convenience, the convenience stores channel tends to open more stores in the market area to shorten the distance between a customer and a nearby store. As the shelf space is only the stocking space, the store tends to ask the distribution center to provide a higher frequency of delivery in order to display more variety. In order to attain the space convenience and selection convenience without dramatically increasing the distribution cost, convenience store channel adopts the shipment consolidation strategy. Production-distribution system design problem (PDSDP) has been discussed several years, and lots of logistic models were provided for helping managers to make the optimal decision for designing logistic distribution network structure, such as facility location, size, technology content and product range, to achieve the firm’s long-term goal. For simplifying problems, most of PDSDP researches assumed that the demands from customers are constant. But this assumption is not tenable in most practical situations. For instance, customers’ purchase can be raised when a store is closer and has more brands for selection. It is more reasonable that demand is influenced by space convenience and product variety in convenience stores retailing. In this research, we formulate the space convenience- and product variety-dependent demand and the effect of shipment consolidation. We model these phenomena and incorporate them into the model for an integrated distribution system design problem. The key decisions would be how many stores in the market area and the item replenishment quantity for each store. The goal is to maximize the total profit. The challenges will be how to model the demand which is influenced by distance and product variety, how to incorporate the demand formulation into the continuous model, and develop an optimization solving procedure for the problem. The major contribution of this project will be lying in developing a model for the space convenience- and product variety-dependent demand and exploring its impact on logistics decision. A complete numerical analysis will be conducted to validate the correctness of the model and evaluate the system performance. Via the analysis, we should be able to provide the managerial insights about how space convenience and product variety affects the logistics distribution strategies. These insights will lift the level of accuracy of management decision. 研究期間:10008 ~ 10107