本研究以多層次的觀點,探討組織氣候和員工個人的心理氣候,經由團隊賦能與個體層次的心理賦能之中介,對於組織整體、員工個體層次的工作績效與組織公民行為之影響歷程。過去有關組織氣候的研究,多以個體的單一層次進而推論至團體層次的觀點進行探索。然而,若簡化地將個體層次的分析結果推論至組織層次時,研究變數之間的關係可能會因此變得不一致。就心理賦能而言,個體層次與團體層次兩者間的定義有別,前者在於單一個體對於賦能的感受程度,而後者則強調團隊成員間賦能知覺的分享。因此,團隊成員間個別心理賦能感受的差異性對於團隊共享的賦能知覺之影響,則需研究者進一步的驗證。此外,組織除了仰賴員工的角色內工作行為的表現之外,更需重視人際之間的團隊合作、協調、利他等組織公民行為的展現,才能得以提升組織的整體效能。有鑑於此,本研究將以更周延全面性研究的觀點,提出組織氣候與員工個人的心理氣候會透過團隊賦能與個體層次的心理賦能,影響團隊整體和員工個人的工作績效與組織公民行為,並探討各變項彼此間之中介與干擾效果的跨層次影響。本研究以多層次的觀點,針對組織氣候、心理氣候、心理賦能、組織公民行為與工作績效等構面進行橫斷研究,預定以問卷調查的方式進行對偶資料蒐集。問卷發訪對象將主要針對高科技公司中任務相依程度較高之工作團隊進行調查,採用便利取樣方式蒐集問卷資料。在統計分析方面,除了採用驗證性因素分析進行衡量模式之配適度檢定之外,亦採用變數之群間與群內變異成份分析、階層迴歸分析與層級線性模式,來逐一驗證本研究所提之假設。期藉此研究之結果,對於員工心理賦能認知的前置變項與結果變項之因果關係能有更深入的瞭解,並提供管理實務與理論上的參考與建議。 This study adopts the multilevel perspective to explore the effects of organizational climate, psychological climate, psychological empowerment, and team empowerment on employees’and team’s job performance as well as organizational citizenship behavior. The moderating effect of organizational climate and team empowerment is also investigated. Prior research on organizational climate and psychological empowerment has been mainly conducted with the single level perspective. This study aims to enrich our understanding of the underlying psychological process of employees’job performance and organizational citizenship behavior with integrating the constructs of climate and empowerment from the individual- and team-level analyses. Apart from individual employee’s in-role behaviors, organizations rely greatly on collaborations and altruistic behaviors among team members to enhance its effectiveness. Individual’s and team’s perceptions of organizational climate are conducive to the arousal of employee’s psychological empowerment (individual level) and team empowerment (work-unit-level), which will strengthen job performance and organizational citizenship behavior at both the individual- and team-level. Hence, the multilevel framework is adopted for the investigation and further verification of the moderation of work-unit-level variables of organizational climate and team empowerment. To avoid the problem of common method variance, in-dyad method will be used to collect the data from questionnaires distributed to supervisors and subordinates in the high-tech industry. Hierarchical linear modeling will be used for data analysis. The results of the study are expected to broaden the horizon in understanding the concepts and effects of organizational climate and psychological empowerment. 研究期間:10008 ~ 10107