網路社群行為理論之探討:知識分享的「施」與「受」許多學者認為正式或非正式虛擬網絡的知識分享,是成就二十一世紀知識經濟體系價值成長之重要媒介,如何促進知識分享的有效運作,為學術界與實務界所關切。然虛擬科技的使用最終仍是要依靠人,知識分享的討論從社會行為角度重新整合加以詮釋有其必要性。本研究計劃為三年期橫跨個人與群體層次之知識分享動態行為研究,透過多層次結構方程模式,以網際網路之虛擬社群為調查研究樣本進行分析。研究目的以社會認知理論與社會交換理論兩種不同的理論觀點為基礎,整合建構知識分享行為之知覺學習與其前因變項,並特別將「知識施予者」及「知識接受者」兩個主體區分,從不同時間點檢視個體與群體行為的動態改變,以釐清過去研究在概念或理論上的未竟之處。計劃執行將分三年執行動態廣度資料蒐集與模式建構,另將佐以相關個案訪談深度瞭解影響因素與結果等相關課題,探索整體模式的系統關係。冀望能經過較長期(至少三年)的監測,能延續以往的社會行為理論研究歸納系統化,並能填補此類文獻缺口。研究結果不僅對理論發展有所貢獻,亦能提供企業及民間團體發展與策略規劃之參考。 iving or Gaining ? Factors Influencing Members’ Knowledge Sharing in Virtual Communities The emergence of virtual communities brings together geographically dispersed, like-minded people to form a network for knowledge exchange. While much of the knowledge management literature was heavily focused on technological issues, this has changed, such that the importance of human and social factors has been increasingly recognized. To promote knowledge sharing, it is important to know why individuals choose to give or to gain knowledge with other community members when they have a choice. This research aims to identify influential factors and examines their impact on knowledge giving and gaining behavior in virtual communities. Data collected from professional and non- professional virtual communities will be used for the analysis. A Multilevel Structural Equation Models (MSEM) will be adopted for the analysis. The results of this study will provide a comprehensive framework of the impact factors of individual knowledge sharing behaviors. Hopefully, it can serve as the foundation for future research. 研究期間:10008 ~ 10107