在現今高度競爭的環境中,跨組織資訊系統已廣泛地被企業使用來提升交易效率,透過更進一步的系統整合能建立企業間無接縫的資訊交換與緊密合作,並獲得更高的合作效益,然而,在供應鏈中充斥著因資源分配不均而產生的權力不平等的企業關係,具有權力的企業為了能獲得更高的合作效益,通常會行使權力強迫依賴他們的企業共同建立跨組織資訊系統整合,因此,瞭解權力如何運作能夠幫助企業促進系統整合,但是,過去研究在釐清權力行使能否迫使企業建立系統整合並沒有獲得明確的結論,主因在於過往研究忽略瞭解權力關係的本質,並將權力視為單一構念直接地影響系統整合。然而,系統整合並非簡單的系統採納或是資料交換,而是雙邊治理(bilateral governance),這需要交易伙伴共同的承諾與付出來達到長期利益,在建立雙邊治理前通常涉及一連串嚴謹的初始流程,因此,當具權力企業使用他們的權力來促進系統整合時,並非直接影響,而是需要先建立一個轉換過程來徵召不具權力的企業共同建立系統整合。本研究試圖以「權力迴路架構」(circuits of power framework)及「強制通行點」(obligatory passage point)為基礎,分析不同類型的權力行使與系統整合關係間的中介轉換機制,本研究以各轉換機制的概念為基礎,發展相對應的中介構念,包括競爭必需(competitive necessity)、公司準備度(firm readiness)、流程相依(process interdependence)、關係承諾(relationship commitment),並且發展研究架構與模型。本研究將能夠釐清不同類型權力的行使在促進跨組織資訊系統整合的運作,同時瞭解中介轉換機制的效果,並擴充過去研究對於權力效果的知識侷限。 Inter-organizational information system (IOS) has become a competitive necessity due to ever heightened market competition. In order to gain greater profitability, dominant market players often try to exercise their power over their trading partners to integrate with IOS. Research on how power facilitates IOS integration is of significance in enriching our understanding and providing guidelines for promoting IOS integration. There is, however, very limited empirical studies that have been conducted to evaluate the effects of power on the implementation of IOS integration. Most studies focus on examining the power effects on IOS adoption. Although few studies have examined this relationship, researchers typically use a single power construct to represent a complex concept of power exercised and develop its direct effects on IOS integration. Those studies do not deliberate relational nature of power. This study treats IOS integration as bilateral governance. It requires trading partners’ mutual commitments and concern for the long-run benefits. We draw on the circuits of power framework and the concept of obligatory passage point (OPP) as the theoretical foundation and argue that mediating mechanisms should intervene power exercised and thus IOS integration. OPP is the result of ‘translations’ after which powerless firms have no other choice but to accept the OPP as created by the powerful firms. Translation includes four moments: problematization, interessment, enrolment, and mobilization. Those four moments as the mediating mechanisms translate powerless firms from implemented IOS minimally to IOS integration deeply. We identify four mediating constructs that reflect the results of the four moments, including competitive necessity, firm readiness, process interdependence, and relationship commitment. Accordingly, we develop a research framework and propose a research model. A cross-sectional survey will be conducted to confirm our research model. This project attempts to make two contributions: (1) we clarify the power operation in which powerful firm exercises their power over powerless firms based on the circuit of power framework when developing IOS integration; (2) we identify critical mediating constructs that explain why exercised power shows mixed influences on IOS integration 研究期間:10008 ~ 10107