本論文以研究室所發展出來的累積損傷模型來探討系統可靠度退化的行為,先暸解用來模擬系統元件參數的累積損傷模型和Weibull可靠度退化模型的參數特性,以明瞭模型之參數的改變對於系統元件的影響,之後以實際的數據進行嵌合以了解這兩個模型的嵌合的效果,然後對失去部分資訊的數據重新分組及以累積損傷模型和Weibull可靠度退化模型作嵌合,並對失去部分資訊之數據的嵌合效果做討論與比較,進而探討累積損傷模型之元件參數的設定對於串聯系統所產生的效應,並推導出元件在失效機率密度函數中所佔的面積比例,從而實際的使用此面積比例作為系統關鍵元件之判斷依據的參考,並將累積損傷模型之參數變化對於串聯系統之參數的效應,和元件所造成系統失效可能性之比例的影響的討論,應用至複雜系統之退化行為的分析與探討,可由累積損傷模型參數之特性了解系統退化情形的物理涵義,藉此設計出適合此複雜系統的元件參數。In this thesis is developed for understanding the inside more clearly about the cumulative damage model, which was considered as the relation of hazard rate with the damage index. Several examples are taken to in the fittings for comparison with Weibull distribution. One purpose is considered the fitting sensitivity of this model by randomly choosing part of data in carrying out the fittings. It is found that the data is ls likely to cover the range of middle of reliability decay.Based on the above facts this model can also be applied to the situation of more complicated system.