企業營運最終目的就是為了賺取利潤,企業本身得以生存,才能進一步實現回饋社會或是其他理想目標。艾利奧特.艾頓伯格(Elliot Ettenberg)於2003年6月由天下出版的《下一個經濟盛世》書中提到,人類社會已從傳統的經濟時代邁向新新經濟時代,企業已從原本致力於追求產品規模與效益的行銷策略,轉變為聚焦於以顧客為中心的速度與創新。新新經濟時代的市場決定權,已從企業轉移至顧客手上,為了留住舊有顧客且加強開發新的顧客,許多企業紛紛採用或考慮引進顧客關係管理系統(Customer Relationship Management, CRM),期望透過該系統的建置與運用,可以幫助企業開發、維持並提升顧客價值,進而提高企業競爭力;而CRM 的成效也並不是一定要在技術上花大錢就可以完成,企業最需要的,應是確認企業本身需求後,導入最適合的CRM系統。 本研究藉由個案公司長期採用顧客關係管理系統歷程以及明確的組織策略,探討其模式是否能有效達到企業依據其組織策略,選擇適合之顧客關係管理系統,並歸論其它組織策略與顧客關係管理系統之適配性,所得結論如下: 1.組織策略目的與顧客關係管理系統實施目的契合度高,則採顧客關係管理系統的適合度高,反之亦然。 2.組織策略目的不明確,強應採行顧客關係管理系統,則會有事倍功半效果。The ultimate goal of each enterprise is to make profit to survive, and further contribute to the community or other targets. Elliot Ettenberg was published in June 2003 by “The next economy” on Common Wealth Magazine mentioned in the era of human society has moved from traditional economic challenges of the N economy. Enterprise’s marketing strategy was sought productivity and efficiency; it was changed to focus on speed and innovation of customer orientation now. The market decision had been transferred from the enterprise to customers in the new economy era. A lot of companies used or considered the introduction of customer relationship management system (Customer Relationship Management, CRM) to keep the original customers and develop new customers. The companies hope raise customer value, and then enhance the enterprise competitive power. However, the companies could not spend a lot of money to achieve the goal; they have to confirm their requirements and conditions to introduce a suitable CRM system. The case company long-term used customer relationship management system and its organization strategy is clear, we would like to discussion its mode is effective to select a suitable for customer relationship management system basic on the organization strategy. We generalize the organization strategy and customer relationship management system of distribution suitable and the conclusion are as follows: 1.The purpose of organization strategy match with the implementation purpose of customer relationship management system and vice versa. 2.To make use of customer relationship management system strong if the objective of organization strategy is not clear, you will get half the result with twice the effort.