隨著世界經濟一體化與我國因應兩岸直航、東亞地區港埠間激烈競爭,港口基礎建設與港埠整體發展策略不斷推陳出新,港口對於國際貿易成長和世界經濟的發展扮演舉足輕重的角色。其中,不論我國或世界先進國家,近年來莫不積極發展貨櫃港區、物流園區。 為了解政府政策對貨櫃物流發展所發揮之推動效果,本研究以歐洲第一大港-荷蘭鹿特丹港為研究對象,觀察鹿特丹港之發展軌跡,分析政府於面臨轉折時所制訂之政策、政府之角色及政府如何協助鹿特丹港克服困難。 根據本文研究成果,鹿特丹港口政策有三項特點值得我國學習:(一)鹿特丹港貨櫃物流之創新政策切合趨勢;(二)鹿特丹港之成功有賴國家政府至港口管理局之齊心協力;(三)鹿特丹港持續深化既有的功能並增加新的功能。For a century or more, Port of Rotterdam has been the largest European port and between 1962 and 2004, it even ranked as the world’s first. Besides the superb location, the dominance of port policies for container terminal and distripark has been considered one of the pillars that sustained performance. However, precisely during its ascendancy to European leadership in the 20th century. This thesis observes that the actual port policy is generally more diverse, and that the policy appears to simply follow and codify port developments. Moreover, this thesis provides a systematic analysis of development of Rotterdam.