本研究主要是以國內消費金融為擅長的花旗(台灣) 銀行及以放款業 務為主的合作金庫等兩家不同業務專長和風格的銀行為研究對象,探討兩家銀行在財富管理業務上的策略、表現及優劣因素分析。我們企圖藉由兩家中西風格差異化的銀行在財富管理的個案研討上,找出本國銀行未來在推展財富管理業務的方向和經營策略。This study is based on domestic consumer finance for the good of Citibank (Taiwan) Bank and the Cooperative Bank lending and other business-oriented two different business banking expertise and style for the study, of two banks inthe wealth management business strategy, performance and analysis of the pros and cons. We attempt to differentiate by two Chinese and Western-style banks in wealth management case studies, find local banks promote wealth management business in the direction and business strategy in the future.