植物精怪角色在《聊齋誌異》中一直是獨特而鮮明的存在,本論文以《聊齋誌異》中出現的植物——荷花、牡丹、菊花、柳樹——為主,探討其在文學中所呈現的多樣意涵,有詩歌的抒情方式,有散文的敘事特點,更有小說對人物塑造、性格特色的描繪,展現上列植物在歷朝社會思想的演變和文人的筆墨下交融而出的豐富意象。透過文本分析,大部分的植物精怪皆是溫柔婉約的女性,投射出作者男性的情愛觀點和理想中的女性塑造,藉由非人類的女性來安撫男子的懷才不遇,隱含作者本身對功名利祿的期盼。故本論文亦試圖將作品和作家聯繫起來,在女性主義的思考點上重新檢視社會的價值觀,從中反思男權體制下的女性處境。整體而言,作者以獨特的藝術手法與審美眼光,將精怪幻化成人的形象,寓意深遠地描摹了精怪的「性情」與「特色」,除了表達出文學形式及內容的精彩外,並從中寄託了作者對理想女性的摹寫和對己身遭遇的憤懣之情。The characters in Strange Stories from A Chinese Studio have always been so unique and vivid. As the result, the purpose of the study is to understand the multiple meanings by the plants like lotuses, peonies, chrysanthemums and willows appearing in Strange Stories from A Chinese Studio. The study compared the expressions of emotion in lyrics, the characteristics of statement in proses, even the descriptions of characters building and features in novels toward the purpose of understanding the multiple meanings from the transformed images of the plants in Chinese history and the blended descriptions of the plants written by the scholars.Through the analyzing of the texts, the researcher realized that the most plant elfs and monsters are gentle female. This reflected the viewpoints of love and the ideal female figure constructions in the male writer’s thoughts. Moreover, the men who had talents but no opportunities to use them could be encouraged by these nonhuman female characters. And this also reflected the writer’s expectations of high official positions and riches. The study adopted the method like joining the writer and the work to survey the social values on feminism and the women’s situations in the society controlled by men.Totally speaking, the writer utilized the unique art skills and eyesight of beauty to make the elfs and monsters get human features. The writer also meaningfully described the tempers and characters of the elfs and monsters. Above these not only expressed the formation of literature and the wonderful contents of the work, but also entrusted the writer’s description of ideal female and his own depression.