近年來由於氣候變異劇烈,極端氣候降雨事件發生頻率增加,對道路產生許多衝擊與影響交通問題,然而道路為經濟命脈之一,目前道路工程施做在規劃設計鮮少考慮氣候變遷對道路的衝擊,而此情況的原因與機制仍未確定與瞭解,因此在仍存有高度不確定性的情況下,如何使道路受較小衝擊並投入有限預算與資源達到最大的效益為重要之課題。故本研究之目的為(1)確定氣候變遷對我國道路工程造成之直接衝擊,進而提出調適因子(2)探討各調適因子之優先考量順序與執行上之可行性複雜度。研究利用問卷調查方式,分兩階段調查:第一階段以層級分析方法來評定調適因子選項於優先考量順序與可行性複雜度各項準則之權重值,第二階段經以李克特式量表評分排序,由第一階段問卷所得之結果,將各不同調適因子選項依優先順序與可行性評估得分高低排序,並交叉分析比較其間之關聯性。研究結果顯示,在調適領域應以極端降雨影響為優先考量,其次為溫度改變影響,最後則為海平面上升影響;在可行性複雜度較低而優先考量順序較高之情形下,應以減少落墩為道路工程規劃設計時優先執行參考。Global climate change has caused extreme weather conditions to road engineering such as severe precipitation, heat wave, rise of sea level, and so on. Road engineers must re-review the original criteria so as to adapt such conditions. The study objective is to identify the adapting attributes and then to rank their feasibility and complexity. This study utilizes literature review to obtain possible attributes examined by the 6 well-experienced experts. The questionnaire was accordingly developed in an Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) format, including 3 aspects and 11 adapting factors where 7 factors of which belong to the aspect of severe precipitation. We collected 24 out of 200 returned questionnaires in the Phase I survey to identify the weights of the prioritization and feasibility for the factors. The Phase II survey with 58 out of 500 effective questionnaires determined the sequencing and interaction among factors. The results reveal that region flooding by severe precipitation outranks the others in both priority and feasibility for road engineering. The findings give practitioners novel considerations for future road construction.