摘 要臺灣地區天然資源缺乏,營建業多數原料大多仰賴進口,國內砂石原料之開採缺乏整體規劃及長期過度開發面臨資源短缺的危機,而環境問題則以管末為主強調管理策略或再利用處理的技術提升,忽略全面性的考量資源和源頭設計材是治本的方法,因此除了經濟發展外,更應重視資源有效利用率的提升。隨著各項公共建築工程陸續推動與綠建築的發展,政府也積極推動相關制度及獎勵措施,都對於建築過程中減少廢棄物、二氧化碳大有幫助,但單一建築設計的建材使用是否過量、亦或是否精簡,卻無法加以客觀探討,更遑論對於各項建築減廢設計進行評估。倘若能針對建築規劃設計階段進行合理分析,透過建築材料合適使用量計算,將使建築物達到輕量化、最適化之目標,落實國家推動綠建築及資源有效利用之政策。本研究主要以公共工程「標案管理系統」之營建大宗建材申報資料為基礎,並以資料探勘方法與流程進行處理,考量工程契約金額、地上樓層數、地下樓層數、總樓地板面積、是否擁有地下室、建築最小活載重、建築用途、構造形式、工程所在地等因子,依資料型態分別進行多元迴歸與多變異分析等統計迴歸分法,以確認建築單位建材使用量影響因子,最後藉由因子分析結果與專家意見建立建築工程合理單位建材用量,提供未來相關工程主辦機關快速審核與評析材料用量,避免過度資源損耗,有助於建築廢棄物減量與資源有效利用。ABSTRACTThe objective of this research is to investigate the main factors influencing the major materials usage in construction of a new building. Example of those factors includes the building structural type, its functional purpose, design loading, contract cost, whether having a basement, and so on. Data of several hundreds of public building construction projects in Taiwan are collected and employed for the investigation and analysis. Statistical regression analysis is performed on each of the considered factors to identify the main ones affecting the usage of major materials in a new building construction project. The identified major factors are compared with the expert recommendations for further discussions. These factors can serve as a base for the local Government to better audit and control the usage of major materials in a building construction to ensure the effective usage of natural resources, and to reduce construction demolition waste generated later on.