摘要: | 本研究依據行政院環保署2009年12月公告之溫室氣體盤查與登錄指引,以某銅箔基板廠為盤查對象,調查2009~2011年溫室氣體排放源並量化,並針對量化結果進行分析,以瞭解銅箔基板廠溫室氣體排放量及能源耗用狀況。 由研究結果顯示,2009~2011年溫室氣體排放量分別為1518.08公噸CO2e/年、2826.91公噸CO2e/年及3123.96公噸CO2e/年,在各範疇溫室氣體總排放百分比中,範疇一-直接排放佔整體排放量25.22%,範疇二-能源間接排放佔整體排放量74.78%,在各範疇分析方面,範疇一分析中以固定燃燒源及逸散排放源為主要排放源,範疇二主要以外購電力為主要排放源,其中以廠務設備為主要用電源,在節能減碳措施方面,該研究案例於2009~2011年共實施九項節能措施,共節能45,828度, CO2排放量則減少28.23噸/年。 在電子產品要求輕、薄及多功能的趨勢下,使得軟板需求逐年增加,經由本研究對銅箔基板產業溫室氣體排放調查,瞭解盤查過程中所遇到之問題及該產業之排放特性,以提供同產業進行溫室氣體盤查時之參考。The objective of this work is to investigate the greenhouse gas emission and energy consumption of a copper clad laminate (CCL) factory in order to develop proper energy saving strategy. The fuel and chemical consumptions, electricity usage, were incorporated in the greenhouse emission calculation based on the greenhouse gas inventory and registry guidelines by the Environmental Protection Agency. It was found that the greenhouse gas emission were 1518.08, 2826.91, 3123.96 ton for 2009, 2010, and 2011, respectively. Scope 1, the direct emissions, accounted for 25.22% of the overall emissions, and Scope 2, the energy indirect emissions accounted for 74.78% of the overall emissions. In Scope 1, the stationary combustion sources and fugitive emission sources as the main source. In Scope 2, the electricity consumption is the major source, which was mainly used for the manufacturing equipment. Also, in 2009 ~ 2011, the plant in this case study conducted 7 energy-saving strategy, which reduced 45,828 kW-hr of electricity and 28.23 ton CO2 emission/year. |