本研究旨在根據高中數學課程中的「平面向量」單元,自行設計製作實體向量教具及教學方法,藉由教師在課堂上操作實體向量教具教學,以探討學生對向量概念的學習成效。 本研究採用前後測準實驗研究法,對桃園縣三所高級中學的215位二年級社會組學生做教學實驗,其中104位為實驗組,接受向量教具融入教學,另111位為控制組,接受傳統方式教學。資料分析以二因子單變量共變數分析,來探究接受不同教學策略對受試者在學習成效測驗上的差異情形。 根據研究結果顯示,接受向量教具融入教學的學生,其學習成效優於接受傳統方式教學的學生,特別是對學業表現較弱的學生,學習成效達到顯著的差異。因此推論使用「向量教具融入教學」的方式,能有效提昇低學業表現的學生學習「平面向量」的單元之成效。 最後研究者依據研究結果,對向量教具融入教學以及未來之相關研究提出建議。This study aims at evaluating the learning effects on the part of students from the teacher-designed concrete vector classroom-teaching approach in Plane Vector course on the basis of the senior high school curriculum declared by the Ministry of Educations. The research is conducted to 215 second-year students of the social science track from three senior high schools of Taoyuan County through the experimental pretests and post-tests approaches. Among these students 104 belong to the experimental group receiving the Vector-model teaching and 111 students of the manual control section receive the traditional teaching. The analysis of the data is made on the basis of the two-factor univariate of covariance approach for the purpose of finding out the different effects of learners from the different teaching strategies. The result of the research shows those students accepting the vector-model teaching are superior to those receiving the traditional teaching. This is especially affirmative to mathematically challenged students. Therefor, we conclude that teachers who use the vector-model teaching can effectively improve the performance of Plane Vector learning for the specific group of students. Finally, the researcher offers some suggestions related to the vector-model math teaching approach in the future.