本論文的目的是設計、分析和實現一個寬頻、低損耗在 0.18 微米互補式金氧半導體製程下的頻段選擇濾波器,並且應用於寬頻、低雜訊放大器與低相位雜訊振盪器的設計。在第一部份,我們利用四分之一波長電容補償平行耦合線及新型開迴路諧振腔,實現具有多個止帶衰減極點的低通濾波器及帶通濾波器。此種電容補償耦合線不僅縮小諧振腔長度,並且提供簡易方法實現雙頻段止帶濾波器。除了實現雙頻段止帶濾波器之外,我們利用此慢波結構實現毫米波振盪器。此外,基於外部交錯耦合電容及電晶體的寄生電容的特性,我們提出寬頻、低雜訊駐波振盪器設計方法及步驟。第二部分,我們使用0.18 微米和0.13 微米互補式金氧半導體的製程來實現寬頻、低損耗頻段選擇濾波器、低雜訊放大器與低相位雜訊振盪器。由於此頻段選擇濾波器具有寬頻止帶特性及簡易的對稱電路架構;此頻段選擇濾波器適合整合於多頻段、低雜訊放大器的輸出匹配電路。當低頻段操作(1.5-10.5 GHz),此雙頻段低雜訊放大器展現出超過 11.3 dB 輸出增益及低於 6.7 dB 雜訊參數。當在高頻段操作(11.3-13.5 GHz),此雙頻段低雜訊放大器展現出超過 9.7 dB 輸出增益及低於6.3 dB 雜訊參數。此外;此頻段選擇濾波器可用於低相位雜訊振盪器設計;利用二分之一波長之反相平行耦合線之等效參數及簡易的差動電晶體負載簡單完成初步的設計,並可建構一高特性的低相位雜訊振盪器。所提出的解析步驟與設計方法,可藉由理論分析與實作電路相互驗證,並且實現具有二階及三階諧波抑制能力的低相位雜訊振盪器。The purpose of this dissertation is to develop broadband and low-loss band selection filters in microwave and millimeter-wave frequencies and their applications in standard CMOS-based technology, which include the a CG dual-band LNA for UWB and Ku band wireless receiver, and a X-band low phase noise oscillator for second and third harmonic frequency suppression. In the first part of this dissertation, the proposed dual band stopband filter and Q-band standing wave VCO with a novel dual mode loop resonator are presented. The proposed dual mode loop resonator not only significantly shorten the length of a resonator but also provide a frequency selection coupled structure (FSCS) to implement the dual band microstrip bandstop filter. The dual center frequencies of the BSF are designed at 2.1 (fs) and 6.4 GHz (3fs) with 20 dB fractional rejection bandwidth as over 100% and 10 %, respectively. In addition, the proposed dual mode loop resonator has low loss and much stronger selectivity than that of spiraling and meandering layouts, hence it is suitable to implement a tunable millimeter-wave VCO with a tunable P-N junction capacitiance technique. Theoretical prediction, simulation, and measurement demonstrate that the VCO achieves a tuning range from 38.77 to 43.62 GHz (BW = 12.5 %). The peak output power is 1.5 dBm with power efficiency of 3.8 % at 40.56 GHz. The minimum phase noise is -121dBc/Hz at 1 MHz offset.In the second part of this dissertation, the band selection filters with a novel frequency-selecting coupling structure (FSCS) are proposed. Since, the proposed FSCS is realized by a slow wave anti-coupled line which is realized by a shorted circuit at a shunted transistor. The proposed lowpass filter and bandpass filter can be reconfigured by switching the on/off state of a transistor which presents either open or short termination of condition. Meanwhile, two reconfigurable transmission zeros can be produced for wide passband operation and wide stopband with good rejection level. Beside, the external cross coupled capacitance can improve the upper side passband selectivity and stopband bandwidth. The proposed filter features of compact size and good passband/stopband performance which is attractive to implement a CG dual-band LNA, and an X-band low phase noise oscillator applications.