在過去數十年中,電子與資訊產品帶領人類邁入便利與快捷的新時代,但同時也產生了巨量的資訊產品廢棄物,使環境汙染的問題日益嚴重。為避免環境繼續遭受破壞,世界各國的環保意識逐漸升高,紛紛投入資源於再生利用產品的開發,使企業能兼顧環境保護與節省自然資源的義務。閉環物流是將舊產品從消費者處回收、再處理、再製造、再重新銷售到市場上的過程,本研究探討在報童模式下公司同時生產新品與再製產品之決策問題,考慮價格相依與競爭等因素,透過數學模型分析公司生產再製產品時價格與生產數量該如何制定,才能使公司利潤最大化,並幫助決策者處理決策上的問題:公司同時生產新品與再製產品是否能給公司帶來更大的利潤? 在何種條件下公司應該要生產再製產品? 相反地,在何種條件下公司應將再製生產工作交給外包商。研究結果顯示,產品替代率與再製成本在閉環物流中扮演關鍵性的角色,同時生產新品與再製產品在一般的情況下無法為公司帶來更大的利潤,但當產品替代率提高或再製成本減小時,同時生產新品與再製產品之總利潤會提高,在此情況下,公司不僅可以進到環境寶物的義務,也能同時創造出更多的利潤。This study deals with joint decisions on pricing and production lot-sizing in a closed-loop supply chain consisting of manufacturing and remanufacturing operations. We use an analytic scheme that helps policy-makers response to such a strategic question: under what conditions an OEM should participate in remanufacturing, in addition to the manufacturing operations. By coordinating the production quantities and retail prices of both versions of the same product, the OEM may generate more profit than that by manufacturing the new product alone. In contrast, under what conditions an OEM should not be involved with the remanufacturing, and choose a head-to-head competition with the third-party remanufacturer counterpart. Results show that the hybrid system does not outperform the manufacturing-only system under a generic setting, but achieves better performance under conditions with a higher degree of substitution and/or a lower remanufacturing cost. And strategic decision depends critically on the costs of remanufacturing and the competition intensity between the two versions. In this scenario, participating in remanufacturing is not only an issue of environmental responsibility, but a profit-boosting option.