本研究主要以單一製造商及單一零售商為研究對象。逆向物流回收是由製造商委託零售商代為回收,其回收數量函數與回收價格為乘法相依函數。製造商將回收物品經由再製造處理後其品質和新產品無差異,利用相同的零售價格與新產品重新於市場銷售。企業除了透過再製造較低的再製成本取代部份較高的製造成本增加了整體供應鏈利潤外,逆向物流的加入使得企業較以往更具競爭性。本論文之目的希望藉由不同的通路策略比較供應鏈整體通路利潤,並根據不同合約之決策方式觀察其利潤之變化。若製造商及零售商不單只考慮自身利益,而能藉由協調方式做決策,其雙方皆能獲利而到雙贏的局勢。隨後以一次性商品-碳粉匣為例設定各項參數,並再以數值及敏感度分析的方法進一步觀察各參數對利潤所產生的影響。This study focuses on single manufacturer and single retailer in supply chain. In the reverse logistic, retailer is commissioned by manufacturer to collect the end-of -life products from consumer, the recovery quantity is a multiplicative function, and it depends on recovery price. After remanufacturing, the ends-of -life products’ quality like the new one; they have the same retail price in market. By replacing part of the higher manufacturing costs with lower manufacturing cost can increase the overall supply chain profit, which make the reverse logistic more competitive to join the supply chain.The purpose of the study is to maximize the channel profit by different strategies, we use different contract decision to coordinate the decentralize channel member that make them achieve win-win situation. In order to use the numerical study and sensitivity analysis to obtain further information about how these parameters influence the profit function, we take the Toner Cartridge for example to derive the parameters of our model.