近年隨著產品及消費型態日新月異,且貿易自由化、世界經濟全球化、網際網路快速發展,物流(或稱運籌Logistics)已成為全世界關注的焦點。做好物流工作提高顧客服務水準、降低營運成本,並滿足顧客的要求已成為企業強化競爭優勢的武器。一般物流中心內的主要作業大致可分為以下七大項:驗收、入庫、保管、揀貨、包裝、出貨及退貨等等。而以揀貨作業是對客戶來說最極敏感一環,同時也是最耗費作業量與人力的作業。因此,如何規劃出最佳的揀貨路徑策略,將影響揀貨作業的效率。本研究主要探討物流中心(Distribution Center;D.C.)的揀貨問題,根據Ho and Chien(2006)的揀貨環境為藍圖,因為現今無線射頻辨識系統(Radio Frequency Identification;RFID)的廣泛運用,它具備即時資訊傳遞特性,也因此讓多功能I/O點的可行性更加提高,增加揀貨作業上的彈性。吾人將焦點放在,探討具備RFID的多功能I/O點的新環境,與傳統單功能I/O點的原始環境,比較在不同環境的揀貨路徑策略。並經由模擬實驗得知結果有何不同,以系統總執行時間、總行走距離以及總揀貨時間等三個績效評估準則進行比較。In the recent years, due to products and the rapid consumption patterns, trade liberalization, economic globalization and with the rapid development of the internet,logistics has become an important issue to global. The distribution center operations can be divided into the following seven items: acceptance, warehousing, storage, order picking, packing, shipping and returns. Moreover, order picking is labor intensive and high-cost activity. Therefore, how to plan the best strategy of picking path will affect the efficiency of order picking.The focus of this study is to discuss the picking problem of distribution center (Distribution Center; DC), we quote the picking environment in research of Ho and Chien(2006)as a blueprint and because radio frequency identification system (RFID) to extensive use and increase flexibility. So let the multi-function I/O points and more to improve the feasibility.I will focus on a new environment with RFID about picking problems and discuss efficiency of the new and original environment of the differences. Improve of new environment with RFID including picking zone and picking routing. Through simulation results the difference of performance evaluation criteria in the total required system time to complete the picking operations, total travel distance of pickers and total picking time of pickers.