本文以台灣壽險業為研究對象,研究公司制度、公司治理與經營績效是否有顯著相關性,並進一步探討其與公司經營績效程度是否有顯著相關,並同時檢驗2007年至2008年金融風暴期間與2009年至2011年風暴後之恢復期,檢驗於恢復期間,台灣壽險業在經營績效是否已有所提升,並探討公司制度、公司治理變數於不同期間對經營績效影響是否相同。本研究發現公司制度對保費收入皆有正面效果,金融風暴期間與其後恢復期的公司治理變數顯著項目與經營績效不同,金融風暴期間公司治理對其當年度經營績效有顯著影響,也與期間的受損程度有顯著影響,董監事報酬與經營績效呈現負相關,表示不論是在一般時期或是系統性風險下的事件發生時,金融業的公司治理機制會對企業經營表現具有攸關性。Through multi-regression model, this study analyzes the relationship between internal corporate system, corporate governance and business performance using data from life insurance companies in Taiwan. In addition, this study also investigates the recovery period of 2009-2011 after the financial tsunami of 2007-2008, examines whether there is significant difference in firm performance in the mentioned recovery period, and furthermore, investigates whether changes in company system and corporate governance could have the same influences on the business performance in different periods. The empirical findings suggest that the corporate system has significant influence on the premium revenues. The corporate governance and business performance differ significantly during and after the period of financial crisis. During the period of financial crisis, corporate governance plays an important role in business performance, and also in the extent of loss. As a conclusion, the corporate governance mechanisms are decisive to business performance, regardless of business cycles.