過去網際網路未成熟的年代,跨國企業的系統應用或資料傳遞,必須租用國際長途專線,其通訊成本昂貴、有限頻寬亦限制了系統的執行效能與發展。近年來,隨著網際網路的蓬勃發展,現行跨國企業多透過網際網路SSL 加密或VPN (虛擬私人網路) 提供資訊系統服務,除了符合網路安全要求,並可降低營運成本與提昇企業競爭力。網際網路的應用對於跨國企業並非十全十美,例如每個國家或不同地區的ISP(Internet Service Provider)皆不同,加上跨國產生的語言、時差、文化、User 電腦程度等差異,使得遠端辦公室的管理更為困難;相較跨國專線廠商提供的服務等級與線路穩定度,有相當大的差距。另外,跨國企業遠端辦公室因成本考量多未僱用或派駐IT 人員,遠端辦公室在遇到網路的問題時,總公司IT 如果沒有一套健全的遠端監控機制,則只能提供被動式的服務,即無法主動掌握國外辦公室網路狀態。本研究將分析適用於網際網路上的遠端管理通訊協定TR-069,並以實際的ACS(Auto-Configuration Server)驗證遠端管理跨國辦公室CPE (Customer Premises Equipment,本研究指遠端辦公室的寬頻分享器)的可行性,透過數學符號分析建立TR-069 ACS 與遠端CPE 的交易模型,並透過該模型配合跨國遠端TR-069 CPE Log 取樣分析,測量遠距離、中距離、近距離的基本協定交易效能分析,以證明TR-069 之通訊協定適用於跨國企業遠端辦公室的網路管理。我們研究的結論為:(1) 透過遠端CPE Log 取樣分析證明TR-069 交易效率與ACS 距離與網路環境有關。(2) 證明TR-069 網管協定,足以做為跨國企業管理遠端辦公室網路之方法。Before the advent of Internet, most multinational corporations communicated to theirremote offices by a leased line. A Leased line spans long distances to provide data service ina single open circuit at all time, but the cost is high and the speed of connections werelimited. In recent years, with Internet development, enterprises can now use publicnetwork infrastructure and tap into that VPN (Virtual Private Network) through broadbandconnections or via encrypted SSL for remote offices. In addition to meeting network securityrequirements, it can reduce operating costs and enhance network scalability.Despite its popularity, Internet is not perfect and limitations exist as is true for anytechnology. The reliability and quality of Internet is not under an organization's direct control.When users in the remote offices encounter Internet problems, it’s not easy to support themif there isn’t a reliable remote management protocol and system. The action of service ispassive, IT department can only learn about problems after being notified by the users.We will conduct a research on how stable TR-069 is. Our conclusions are:(1) After analyzing the logs, we know the factors of performance of TR-069 aredistance and environment.(2) TR-069 is fulfilling the requirements for Multinational Enterprise to manage thenetwork of their Remote Offices over Internet.