本研究試圖利用雲端運算方便與自動化的特性,透過整合各項雲端服務,例如:Amazon的基礎建設服務、CloudFoundry的平台服務及Opscode的軟體組態管理服務,建構一個可以在雲端快速佈署應用程式的測試平台,加快專案測試環境建立的過程,讓專案所有人員都可透過一個簡單的網頁介面就可快速建立指定的測試環境及部署軟體目的碼,除了讓軟體測試的流程更加簡化及方便之外,透過雲端部署的方式企業將可節省更多的人力及硬體成本。In the research, we try to leverage the on-demand and self-service feature of cloud computing to set up a cloud-based project deployment system. By integrating several cloud services, such as: AWS EC2 infrastructure as a service, CloudFoundry’s platform as a service and Opscode Chef’s configuration management service, we can speed up the test environment build up process and all project members can use the cloud deployment system to deploy the artifact of target project with specific version via a simple and easy use web user interface. Using Cloud Deployment System not only can simplify the software testing process but also make enterprise save more man power and cost of hardware devices.