對於大學生而言,若想要閱讀以英文撰寫的原文書,英文單字的重要性是眾所皆知的,也是學習者第一個必須克服的障礙。本研究觀察到很多學習況是: 有些學生會將查詢過的單字字義謄寫在書中空白處或是單字旁,以隨時提醒自己這個單字的字義,但這個過程將花費很多時間,且相當無趣,因此常常在閱讀中遇到大量不會的單字而放棄閱讀,或是花很多時間在進行查詢單字和謄寫。本研究想要改善學生這樣的學習習慣,建立一套電腦輔助學習系統MyVLS-tool來輔助學生學習原文書內的字彙,提供學習者一個循環式的學習與複習的流程,且整個學習流程將包含了ARCS動機模式的考量設計,並將Schmitt提出的單字學習策略實作在本系統,企圖讓學習者能夠節省進行複習的時間,以及讓學習者更有動機進行字彙學習。本研究針對中央大學資管系100名修習使用原文書的課程,此課程為大學二年級必修課程「企業資料通訊」,將其分為實驗組以及對照組,並進行為期三周的實驗,實驗並分為兩階段 (1) 前測與後測、(2) 問卷與質性訪談。由實驗第一階段的分析,本研究得到的結論為,透過數為學習系統MyVLS-tool所提供的循環學習以及複習流程,能有效提升大學生原文書內英文學習成效,進而提升單字實力。實驗第二階段結論則為,在統計意義上,大部分學習者皆對MyVLS-tool有正面評價,包括流程效率的改善,動機的提升,以及整體評價。The importance of memorizing vocabulary is well-known since acquiring basic vocabulary is a must to read any English material for college studnets. English vocabulary is the first obstacle to overcome if a student wants to read any Englishmaterials. Many students give up reading English textbooks since spending too much time or boring in searching vocabularies because they have so many unfamiliar words in the textbooks.This study want to improve this situation by proposing a new Computer-Assisted Language system called MyVLS-tool. MyVLS-tool can provide a learning process including vocabulary learning and reapeated reviewing and also taking ARCS model into motivation design considertation. This study also implements Schmitt’s vocabulary strategy in MyVLS-tool. By doning these, This study try to improve the time wasting and boring problems during student’s textbook vocabulary learning.The experiment participants are 100 National Central University, Department of Information Management’s students. We divide them into experimental group and control group and conduct a three-week experiment, The experiment divided into two stages (1) pre-test and the post-test, (2) questionnaires and qualitative interviews. By the analysis of the first stage of the experiment, the conclusion of this study was, through a number of learning cycle and reviewing process provided by the MyVLS-tool can effectively enhance the college students English learning outcomes in English textbook, thereby enhancing the vocabulary strength. The second stage of conclusion of the experiment was, in the statistical sense, most of the college studnets have positive evaluation including improvement of process efficiency, motivation enhancement, and overall evaluation toward MyVLS-tool.