在目前科技產業如此蓬勃的環境下,許多企業的管理者為了資訊人員能有更好的工作效率,開始強調一名IT (Information Technology, IT) 人員若僅具備良好的專業技術能力 (如:程式撰寫經驗、資料庫維護…等) ,已非唯一影響IT人員工作效率及品質的重要因素。而許多管理者也提出目前的員工普遍缺乏溝通、團隊、組織…等,人與人互動能力之不足。而這些非技術性能力,有學者稱之為軟實力 (Soft Skills) 亦即能夠輔助本身技術能力的表現,使工作更加有效率之能力。而高等教育為了呼應目前業界對於員工技能的需求,除既有專業技術能力之訓練外,也開始利用各種方式 (如:改變課程設計、運用教學輔助工具…等) 來培養學生軟實力。因此,本研究根據有學者曾提出之會議流模式,將其運作於課程中作為教學輔助工具,並探討會議流模式對學生軟實力培養之影響。本研究分為兩個階段:第一階段,透過質性研究訪談之方法了解學生對於使用會議流模式後的內心感受及探討運作期間學生的行為模式。第二階段,透過改良目前已存在之會議流模式系統雛型,藉由第一階段研究之結果及學生在操作會議流系統雛型之建議,將目前會議流模式系統雛型改良為能加強培養學生軟實力之教學工具,再透過科技接受模式驗證該系統。最後,本研究針對現有會議流模式之運用與研究限制進行討論,並提出未來研究的可能方向。Nowadays, in the information technology industry field, many managers have noticed that promoting IT staffs quality and make efficiency of work should not only focus on ─hard skills∥. They found that most of the employees are short of the abilities of communication, teamwork, organization and so on. Some scholars termed these abilities ─soft skills∥. Soft skills can support the performance of hard skills and make the work more efficient. For responding to the needs of the information technology industry, higher education not only trains students’ hard skills, but also cultivates soft skills by many ways.Therefore, in order to cultivate student’s soft skills, this study will use meetings-flow approach (MFA) as a teaching aid to investigate the relationship between MFA and acquisition of soft skills in higher education. This study use two-stage approach as the research strategy. At the first stage, this study will use in-depth interview of qualitative research to understand student’s experience and the cause of their behavior after they used MFA. At the second stage, this research uses the result and the feedback from the first stage to improve the meetings-flow approach system. Through these improvements, the MFA system can much more meet the needs of enhancing user’s soft skills.