排隊行為對於大部分消費者是種負面的體驗,而許多企業也想找出解決的辦法;然而,近期學者漸漸發現,當消費者做購買決策時,可能會受到店家外的排隊人數的影響,而選擇排隊人數多的店家。由此看來,排隊行為除了產生負面的影響外,似乎也有正面的影響。而在這個行動網路逐漸成長的環境下,將排隊行為轉移到行動電話上來進行是否是一個好的解決方案?目前所謂的網路口碑、餐廳評價讓使用者產生的從眾心理,是否會受行動排隊系統所提供的真實排隊資訊影響?本研究分析消費者在排隊行為中的從眾心理以及社會比較心理,並且測量消費者在不同排隊方式下的時間知覺。希望透過此研究能降低消費者對於排隊的負面體驗,並且給予目前行動服務一個新的應用。本研究採取「實驗室研究」並以日本料理為例,實驗樣本共80人。使用 SPSS 來進行分析,以檢驗本研究之模型及相關假說。研究結果發現,消費者的「排隊意願」會受到「時間知覺」、「從眾心理」及「社會比較心理」影響;「排隊方式」則會影響消費者的「時間知覺」;而「網路口碑」會影響消費者的「從眾心理」。Queuing is a negative experience for most consumers. Thus, many companies want to find a solution to shorten waiting lines. However, recent researchers found that queuing not only seems to have negative impacts on consumer experience, but a long waiting line outside a store may also affect consumer decision. As mobile technology mature, queuing with smart phones may be a good alternative to physical waiting lines. In addition, the influences of the electronic word-of-mouth and store ratings on consumers’ conformity (or herding behavior) may also be affected by the actual queuing information provided by the mobile queuing service system. This study attempts to look into the effects of consumers’ conformity and social comparison in waiting lines, and also the consumers’ waiting time perception. Through this study, we hope to find out ways to reduce consumers’ negative experiences from waiting, and also propose new applications for smart phones.This study is a laboratory experiment with 80 subjects. Result reveals that consumers’ “conformity”, “social comparison” and “time perception” can affect their “queuing intention”; “queuing method” can affect consumers’ “time perception”; “electronic word-of-mouth” can also affect consumers’ “conformity”.