Abstract: | 台灣是一個多元族群的社會,特別是在都會地區。然而在一個多元文化的社會環境中,對於族群文化的延續,並不是一件容易的事,尤其是在人文薈萃族裔龐雜的都會地區。以台北地區而言,由於都市化的過程以及快速的經濟發展所產生的磁吸效應,大量的人群往都市地區遷徙,客家族群便是其中之一。原本居住於桃園、新竹、苗栗甚至台中、高雄、花蓮的客家人也逐漸移居台北。 移入都市的客家移民如何適應這個新環境,並且與當地原有的人群相處。而代表客家族群的文化表徵,又將如何在日常生活中持續運作。在過去族群互動的過程中,為了適應都市環境,有人策略性選擇將這些文化表徵隱藏起來,成為了「隱形族群」。對於都市客家而言,他們是如何看待自身的族群文化以及族群記憶。特別是在近年來整個大環境的改變,對於都市客家而言更是具有獨特的意義。 本研究透過文化實作的觀察發現,隱形化或許只是為了因應過去的社會環境下所產生出適應過程,一旦這些不利於客家文化發展的因子除去後,隱形也就失去其持續的必要性。透過文化實作的觀察,發現所謂的隱形化並不等於消逝,只是一種暫時性過程。在通化街的個案中,發現客家文化仍舊是保存於私領域之中,即便在新一代客家人身上,部份文化實作的傳承已有斷層,但是他們主觀的認同卻未曾間斷。 Taiwan is a multi-society, especially in urban areas, where is much more multi-ethnic and multi-cultural. However, in such a multi-cultural society, to extend the culture of the ethnic group itself is not an easy task, especially in the urban areas where is already full of ethnicity. Because of the Taipei area urbanization, make the area has sufficient conditions for economic development, at the same time , attract country immigrants into urban area. There had being a large number of people move to urban areas, the Hakka community is one of them. Many Hakka people originally living in Taoyuan, Hsinchu, Miaoli and Taichung, Kaohsiung and Hualien, have gradually moved Taipei. When Hakka immigrants into the city, how did they adapt to this new environment and be with the local crowd? How to keep the cultural characters of Hakka practicing in the everyday life?? In the past, someone will strategically choose to hide these cultural characters as an “invisible group”, in order to adapt to urban environment. For the urban Hakka, how do they treat their ethnic identity, as well as cultural characters and ethnic memory? Especially, the whole environment had changed in recent years; there should be a different significance for the urban Hakka. This thesis found that ethnic group being invisible, perhaps it is just to cope with the social environment over the past generated by the process of adaptation, and as soon as these disadvantageous factors for Hakka culture development are removed, there is no need to keep invisible. Through the observation, I found that Hakka culture is still preserved in the private filed. So even the newest Hakka is not so familiar with objective side of culture, but they’d never forget that they are Hakka. |