顧客忠誠度對於網路拍賣賣家的生存與成功是非常重要的。過去研究已指出線上忠誠受到買家對於心理契約違反、對賣家的信任、滿意度、與愉悅評估的影響,過去研究也確認公平認知對於觸發心理契約違反的重要性,但這些觀點卻被資管與管理學者獨立檢驗。藉由整合此五個觀點,可更深入了解買家的信念與後續的忠誠度。在研究模型中,提議將賣家群體心理契約違反操作為成因性二階構念,其驅動因子包括分配公平、程序公平、人際公平與資訊公平。在研究模型中,亦假設賣家群體心理契約違反負向影響買家對賣家群體的信任、滿意度、與愉悅,而信任、滿意度、與愉悅則正向影響顧客忠誠度。本研究將在雅虎奇摩拍賣蒐集資料,以驗證研究模型。 ; Customer loyalty is critical to the online auction sellers’ survival and success. Previous research has established that online loyalty is the product of buyer assessments of the psychological contract violation (PCV), trust in the online seller, satisfaction, and delight. Previous research has also affirmed the importance of justice perceptions in triggering psychological contract violation. But these perspectives have been examined independently by IS and management researchers. By integrating these three perspectives, a richer understanding of buyers’ underlying beliefs and subsequent loyalty can be gained. In the research model, PCV with the community of sellers is proposed as a formative second-order construct driven by distributive justice, procedural justice, interpersonal justice, and informational justice. PCV with the community of sellers is hypothesized to negatively affect trust in the community of sellers, satisfaction, and delight, which in turn are hypothesized to positively affect loyalty. The research model will be tested with data collected from buyers in Yahoo-Kimo’s online auction marketplace. ; 研究期間 9808 ~ 9907