口碑傳播對消費者的購物決策,一直都具有相當大的影響力。近年來,由於網際網路的蓬勃發展,使得傳播口碑的方式,產生了極大的變化。Web 2.0 概念的盛行,也使得因為使用者的參與,而豐富了內容的網站 (user-generated content site) 大行其道。消費者得以透過網路上的論壇、部落格等工具,分享自身使用產品及服務的經驗。其他的消費者,則可經由別人經驗的分享,作為消費決策的依據。然而,網路上的口碑具有匿名的特性,消費者必須從中選擇真實且有助於決策的訊息。許多網路論壇也建置了有助於評估發文品質的機制。本研究採用實驗設計,針對網路論壇常見的兩種機制-文章推薦與發文者評等,以網路論壇訊息接收者的觀點進行探討,分析以上兩種機制如何影響最終的採購決策。研究中採用了使用者個人特質,包括信任傾向、決策風格、與產品涉入程度,作為調節因子,並以使用者對文章可靠度及專業度的評估作為中介因子,以期能對這些機制的影響,有更深入的了解。 ; Word-of-mouth (WOM) has been recognized as an influential factor of consumers’ purchase decision. Recently, the popularity of the Internet changes the communication of WOM. The prevailing of Web 2.0 contributes to the prominent of user-generated content site. Consumers can publish their experiences, viewpoints, and opinions on the Internet. The other consumers can reference to assist their purchase decision. However, the anonymity of online word-of-mouth impedes its credibility. Consumers need to choose messages that are usefulness and truthfulness. As a result, most of the Internet forums and virtual communities adopt mechanisms to aid the evaluation of articles and posters. This study conducts a laboratory experiment to gain insights on how word-of-mouth will influence his/her purchase intentions. Two mechanisms—article’s rating and the poster’s level—are employed. Users’ personal characteristics, disposition to trust, decision styles, and product involvement, are included as moderators. Besides, perceived trustworthiness and expertise are viewed as mediators between the ratings of message and the users’ purchase intention. We expect to understand the effects of related mechanisms furthermore. ; 研究期間 9808 ~ 9907