地方行銷策略,目前已成為許多國家或地方用以改善地方經濟的手段之一。依據Philip Kotler的構成地方行銷四種策略方式,採用吸引力行銷方式的建築和紀念物,即可應用於地方行銷策略。 目前桃園縣境有九處古蹟,大溪鎮即有其中三處,分別為二級古蹟-李騰芳古宅、三級古蹟-蓮座山觀音寺及齋明寺,故本研究探討這三處古蹟與大溪鎮地方行銷策略的現況。另依《全國客家人基礎資料調查研究》可知,大溪鎮屬於「非客家鄉鎮」,但鎮內仍有部份的客家籍人士;故藉由本研究進一步探討這三處古蹟與客家的關聯性。 本研究先以文獻研究法,於資料中瞭解三處古蹟與客家的歷史淵源;再以深度訪談法,來瞭解受訪者對於這三處古蹟與地方行銷策略的現況,及日後地方行銷策略等建議,再依SWOT分析結論,回應本研究的問題意識及提供地方政府未來施政之參考資料。 研究發現:一、三處古蹟都與客家民族有相關的歷史淵源。二、古蹟的文化價值性無法得到地方認同。三、公部門及第三部門有只重視李騰芳古宅的傾向。四、三處古蹟與地方行銷策略上有不被重視的跡象。 During recent years, many countries and regions are adopting place marketing as their strategy to rejuvenate their local economy. According to Philip Kotler, place marketing consists of four major strategies, and the use of architecture or monuments to conduct attractive marketing is one of the applications of the place marketing strategy. Currently, there are nine historic monuments in Taoyuan County, with three of them in Dasi Township. The three monuments are: Teng-Feng Lee’s Ancient House, which is a class two historic monument; Guan-yin Temple of Lien-tso Mountain, and Tsai-ming Temple, which both are class three historic monuments. This thesis intends to research and discuss the said three monuments and the current place marketing situation of Dasi Township. Furthermore, according to “National Hakka Population Basic Information Investigation Research,” Dasi Township is a “non Hakka” town; however, the Hakka population represents a significant portion of the total population of the town. Therefore, this research will also probe into the issue of the correlation between the three monuments and the Hakka population. This research adopts documentary analysis method, and will comprehend the historical relationship between the three monuments and the Hakka population. Next, this study will utilize the in-depth interview method to understand the current status of place marking strategy and of the three monuments, as well as the interviewees’ suggestions on future place marketing strategies. Finally the study will use SWOT analysis to derive its conclusion in order to answer the ideological questions that this thesis raises, as well as provide a reference to the local government for future administration of policies. Research result shows: 1. All three monuments have historical relationship with the Hakka community. 2. The local community does not identify with the three historical monuments’ cultural value. 3. The public sector and the third sector tend to emphasize only the Teng-Feng Lee’s Ancient House. 4. There are indications showing the local community does not place much importance in the three monuments and their place marketing.