Abstract: | 本研究旨在瞭解行政院客家委員會(以下簡稱為客委會)推動「客庄文化資源普查計畫」暨歷年執行本計畫各普查團隊之參與動機與目的、實際運作所面臨之困境、因應對策以及成果效益等,本研究將在方法論和經驗層次上,從實作的過程中,來重新定義客家文化;並藉以瞭解「客庄文化資源普查」作為一個「新客家文化運動」,是如何動員、召募具有族群文化認同的普查員,以及如何培養、激勵這些普查員持續的投入普查工作,進而檢討如何建立「客庄文化資源普查」標準作業程序,並根據研究結果提出結論與建議,俾提供政府未來在制定與推動相關政策,以及普查團隊與普查員資源共享與經驗永續傳承之參考依據。 本文採次級資料分析法、深度訪談法及問卷調查法蒐集與分析資料。次級資料分析法主要是以客委會所提供之次級資料為基礎,深度訪談法是希望從歷年參與客委會「客庄文化資源普查計畫」之普查團隊理事長、計畫主持人或總幹事中選取樣本進行深度訪談,問卷調查法則是針對實際執行客委會「客庄文化資源普查計畫」之普查員進行問卷調查,本研究藉以深度探索潛藏在表層觀點下所蘊含之意義,以理解該經驗之本質。 本論文共分為五章,第一章如何做好「客庄文化資源普查」,內容分研究動機與目的及研究方法;第二章文化資產與客庄文化資源普查,內容分理論基礎、文化資產、客庄文化資源普查之定義及從文化資產保存法至客庄文化資源普查等相關文獻檢視;第三章影響「客庄文化資源普查」之因素,內容分客委會之觀點、普查團隊領導幹部之觀點及普查員之觀點;第四章何謂標準作業程序,內容分客庄文化資源普查成功之關鍵因素、政府制度面之支持、普查團隊在地之影響力及普查員之凝聚力;第五章結論、建議與後續研究建議。 This research aims to understand the participation motivation and purposes of different survey groups in the promotion of Survey of Cultural Resources in Hakka Villages of Council for Hakka Affairs, Executive Yuan, as well as the difficulties confronted during the process, coping strategies, results, and benefits. Based on methodology and experience, this research redefined the Hakka culture from the practical experience in order to understand how the Survey of Cultural Resources in Hakka Villages, as a “New Hakka Cultural Movement, mobilizes and recruits surveyors who possess ethnic cultural identification, and cultivates and motivates these surveyors to devote to the survey continuously. It also discussed the establishment of the standard operational procedure of the Survey of Cultural Resources in Hakka Villages. Furthermore, based on the findings, conclusions and suggestions are proposed to provide the government with a reference for survey groups and surveyors, survey resources sharing and the sustainable heritage of experience, as well as the government’s future establishment and promotion of relevant policies. This research adopted Secondary Data Analysis, in-depth Interviews, questionnaires and data analyses. Secondary Data Analysis is mainly based on the secondary data provided by the Council for Hakka Affairs; the subjects of in-depth interviews were selected from the group leaders, project managers or chief executives with experience participating in the survey; the questionnaires were distributed to those who conducted the survey. Based on these methods, this research explored the deep meanings hidden under superficial viewpoints to understand the essence of the experience. This paper is divided into 5 chapters. Chapter 1 focuses on how to successfully conduct the Survey of Cultural Resources in Hakka Villages, and presents the research motives, purposes and methods. Chapter 2 describes the cultural assets and the Survey of Cultural Resources in Hakka Villages”, and covers discussion on the theoretic bases, definitions of cultural assets and the survey, Cultural Asset Preservation Acts and literature review. Chapter 3 explains the factors influencing the Survey of Cultural Resources in Hakka Villages, and presents the viewpoints of the Council for Hakka Affairs, survey group leaders and surveyors. Chapter 4 focuses on the standard operational procedures, and discusses the success factors of the survey, the supports from the government, the local influences of survey groups, and the coherence of surveyors. Chapter 5 gives conclusion and suggestions. |