摘要: | 女遊記--論《紅樓夢》的閨閣、海上、詩社摘 要 歷史上為女性作傳的傳統其來有自--自西漢劉向明指《列女傳》,其以婦德為重的揀選標準,深深影響了其後的列女書寫。曹雪芹有意突破陳規,於小說第一回即借石頭之口標明其列女標準:為幾個或情或痴、或小才微善的異樣女子昭傳,破除閨閣所固有的階級指涉,使得諸如妾--香菱;丫環--晴雯、襲人;女伶--齡官、芳官等位居弱勢的薄命女性都能展現自我性格與才能,且有被紀錄的可能。 《紅樓夢》反映並呈現了明清時期才女紛紛成立詩社的風氣,曹雪芹在此基礎上加以擴伸,詩社成員已不侷限於千金閨秀,村嫗及洋女子皆可入社,為詩社的話題和活動開啟一個新視界;小說第四十九回,寶琴、邢岫煙等人的齊聚進場,更是為紅樓詩社達到高峰,她們展現其賦詩作詞的才能,並彼此分享自己的遊歷見聞,帶出西洋女子真真女所具有的現代旅遊意涵,為女性的遊歷行為打造了更多、更自由的可能性。 曹雪芹替這些不被男性本位社會記憶的未嫁女子作錄,帶出她們遊走行為中所生發的抒情及敘事意義,其一舉一動都被如照相機般可攝像的通靈寶玉給留存下來,賦與她們於精神文化記憶中的不朽作用。《紅樓夢》不僅大旨談情,更強調記憶及書寫的重要--可超脫軀體的毀滅以達到流傳不滅,為這些流離薄命的女性達成傳錄後世的積極想望。關鍵字:紅樓夢、閨閣、海上、詩社、遊記Women,Travelling and Memory--Female, Navigation, Poets Society in The Story of the StoneABSTRACTChinese historical biographies have never tired of write or portrait women. In tradition, women always been taught to be well-manner since they were born till they dead. These kind of value easily seen in Chinese historical biographies, literature and novels. However, Chao- Xueqing broke the tradition while writing his "The Story of the Stone." Chao created some women characters that deeply in love, crazy of social status, and dare to show off their artistic taste and capability. In "The Story of the Stone", talented women established poets Society, and welcome every women to join in. During the members’ gathering, they made poem and shared their travelling experience with each other. These had helped broaden women mind. Chao-Xueqing wrote about those unmarried women, like a camera, he took down pictures of every detail of women. Nevertheless, these ill-fated women inspire readers from the past and then.Key Words: The Story of the Stone, Female, Navigation, Poets Society, Travel notes |