本研究旨在探討閩南和客家族群銀行融資行為,並以桃園縣臺灣銀行消費者貸款為研究對象,研究者先由臺灣銀行在桃園縣的分行消費者貸款統計資料中,發現南北、桃園分行消費者貸款,在房屋購置貸款項目不論戶數或金額,南北桃園均相當無甚差異;而在信用貸款的項目中,則可看出北桃園分行的合計數,不論戶數或金額均較南桃園分行多出許多,而北桃園居住民是以閩南人佔多數,南桃園居住民以客家人佔多數,這是不是與兩個族群間的文化差異有關?還是有其它因素存在?研究者除了以臺灣銀行的消費者貸款統計為背景資料外,亦設計量化問卷調查,針對背景資料及問卷資料顯示閩客族群間有差異部分,接續採用半結構式的深度訪談方式,共訪談了21位受訪者,包括15位銀行消費者貸款借款人、5位銀行行員及1位房屋仲介人員,由上述三種方法蒐集相關資料加以分析比對,臺灣近年來經濟蓬勃成長,城鄉人口快速流動,族群間通婚日漸普遍,使得族群間差異日漸模糊,本研究發現在消費者貸款銀行融資行為上:閩南族群比客家族群敢向銀行借款,也比客家族群敢使用信用貸款,而在具體融資行為除了有無提供擔保品外,其餘無甚差異。關鍵詞:族群、融資行為、消費者貸款The present study aimed to figure out the financing behaviors of Southern Fujianese and Hakka ethnicity. The data on consumer loans were collected from the branches of Bank of Taiwan in Taoyuan County. Based on the collected statistic data of consumer loans, the results showed that there was no significant difference on the application numbers and sum of money on housing purchase loans between the residents in Southern and Northern Taoyuan. However, among the credit loans, the application numbers and sum of money in Northern Taoyuan were greatly higher than those in Southern Taoyuan. Majority of the residents in Northern Taoyuan are Southern Fujianese whereas Hakka people in Southern Taoyuan. Were the founded results caused by the cultural differences between these two groups of people or any other factors existed? Not only the statistic data of consumer loans were used in the present study, but also the quantitative questionnaire was employed to analyze the differences between Southern Fujianese and Hakka ethnicity. Moreover, 21 semi-structure in-depth interviews consisted of 15 borrowers on consumer loans, 5 bank staffs and a real estates agent were further conducted. The above mentioned 3 methods were performed as the data collection instruments to analyze and compare the relevant data. In the recent years, the differences among ethnic groups have been gradually indistinct. It might be due to the rapid economy growth, swift population flows between urban and rural areas and the common across-ethnicity marriages in Taiwan. The results carried out that Southern Fujianese were more dared to borrow money from bank and purchased the credit loans than those Hakka ethnicity on the consumer loans aspect. For the aspect of concrete financing behaviors, there was no significant difference between those two groups except for the collaterals provided or collaterals non- provided item.Keywords:Ethnic group, Financing behaviors, Consumer loans