摘要: | 近年來國內科技產業蓬勃發展,各種危害性化學物品被大量使用及儲存,因此勞工工作環境也面臨了化學職業危害的風險。報紙或電視上時有工廠因化學品儲存、管理不佳或人為疏忽而導致的化學品洩漏、火災及爆炸等災害事故發生的報導,除造成工廠人員傷亡或財物損失外,部份事件也波及鄰近工廠或附近社區民眾。有鑑於此,本研究採用個案研究方法,目的是探討人的不安全行為和物的不安全狀態相互作用將導致事故發生的風險,並概略了解化學品管理相關法規的發展趨勢,此個案研究參考相關法規、書本、論文、期刊、研究報告、網路資訊及個案公司內部資料等文獻為基礎,以個案研究方式探討一家外商公司即個案公司之危險化學品物流與倉儲作業管理,研究其化學品倉庫之設施規劃與其內部倉庫管理安全規範及標準作業流程等是否可運用於相關企業或物流業者,希望本研究在此議題上,有一更深入之探討與分析,研究結論如下: 如果企業能持續加強現場作業人員對於化學品的危害認知、良好的倉儲管理及環安衛等教育訓練、給予人員適當的安全防護具、定期安排緊急應變及消防演練,透過風險評估及持續改善不安全的作業流程及人員的行為模式,就能在不同程度上移去事故連鎖中的某一骨牌以增加骨牌的穩定性,使事故得到預防和控制。此外,雖然設置一個危險品倉庫,軟硬體設備及設施的投資所費不貲但卻是必要的,而主管及環安人員至少每個月應定期實地走訪工作現場以觀察實際管理及人員作業狀況以提早發現問題,並儘速予以改善,以降低事故發生的風險。
In recent years, the high-tech industry in Taiwan is blooming, and resulting in the massive usage and storage of various hazardous chemicals. Because of this, labors are facing occupational hazards when handling those chemicals. Real cases tell us that in industrial area, many disasters accidents, for instance, chemical spills, fire, or explosions, are happened due to poor management on chemical storage or human negligence. In view of this, case study method is selected, and the purpose is to explore the accident causation of the interaction between human unsafe behaviors and substrate unstable condition, and to learn the trend of chemicals management laws and regulations. This study is referring to the relevant laws and regulations, books, papers, journals, research reports, internet data and internal information of the case company. By taking the case study, we would like to explore the ways of a foreign company designing and managing its logistics and warehousing of various dangerous goods and to consider whether it can be applied to other companies or logistics service industry. The conclusion of this study is described as following. Accidents usually are not caused by a single reason but multiple ones removing any reason can reduce the frequency and seriousness of accidents. In order to prevent and manage the accident, it is essential for a company to continually enhance employees’ awareness of chemical hazard, good practice of warehousing, health and safety compliance, provide the appropriate personal protective equipment, regularly schedule evacuate, emergency, and fire fighting practice, and constantly improve the procedures and correct human behaviors. Furthermore, although it is costly, to set up a dangerous-goods warehouse is inevitable. More than less, managers and EHS officers need to walkabout in warehouse at least once a month to observe the operating process, to early detect the risk, if there is any, and to improve it as soon as possible for minimizing the risk of accident. |