台灣政府為了解決景氣持續低迷、製造產業紛紛出走之困境,開始把注意力放在可以創造內需的觀光產業上。在政府全力推動觀光產業的前提下,國內各大財團競相投資興建觀光旅館,造成國際觀光旅館產業面臨高度之競爭。 為探討在競爭激烈的環境下,企業如何創造競爭優勢,提升經營績效,並研擬完善之經營管理與行銷策略,本研究運用了行銷組合策略、SWOT分析及五力分析等方式,對台灣國際觀光旅館產業及個案公司之品牌經營、行銷策略進行分析與探討,所得結論如下: 1. 台灣國際觀光旅館之經營模式未來將以加入國際連鎖旅館集團型態為主,藉由國際連鎖旅館之品牌形象與全球訂房系統來爭取國外旅客之入住。 2. 由於國內各集團陸續跨足國際觀光旅館業,預期未來競爭將越形激烈,產業將可能進入微利時代。 3. 國際觀光旅館產業競爭將朝向品牌競爭時代,唯有成為知名之品牌,才能在此市場獲得最大之利益。 4. 由於產業產品之同質性過高,唯有做出特有風格與高品質之服務文化,才有機會在產業中脫穎而出。 To improve economic downturn and to reduce the impacts of off shore migration of business activities, government in Taiwan started to put more efforts on promoting tourism industry that may be helped to expand domestic demand. With the authorities have been driving tourism industry growths in full swing, big corporates are competing with each other to invest and/or build international tourist hotels.
The main focus of this research is how the companies create more competitive advantage, improve business performance under the keen competition. This research intends to uses marketing mix, SWOT analysis and five forces analysis to discuss the case company's brand marketing and business strategy. The conclusions are as follows :
1. International chain hotel group will become the main business model of Taiwan international tourist hotels. 2. The competition will be more intense. 3. To become the well-known brand name company is the best way to maximize the profit. 4. Uniqueness and high quality of service are the ways to stand out in the industry.