在現今資源愈來愈稀有,萬物皆漲的情形之下,各家公司行號皆力行節約能源,減少生產支出,延長產品的使用壽命似乎成了各公司的經營顯學,而資源再生利用的產業也是在這種資源愈來愈匱乏的情形之下,所衍生出的新型產業,而其關鍵成功因素就是保護環境和穩定獲利,環顧國內各種資源再生企業如雨後春筍般處處開花,如電路板的再生貴金屬(黃金,銀,銅),汽車電池的再生利用,各類包裝容器的清洗再生,紙材的再利用等等都是資源再生的範疇。資源的再生前提是減少資源的浪費,使物盡其用並能夠和第一線資源和平共處,而鐵桶的再生利用,表面看以為清洗乾淨就可以重新填裝原料,但事實上卻隱含著各式各樣的技術在其中。而資源再生鐵鐵桶加工產業的優勢興策略,是針對55加崙的鐵桶的循環再加工的技術,以及整體產業面做一個通徹的分析,而此產業的各種商業經營模式以生產的流程做了鉅細靡遺的解說,並以G公司為例,做了五力分析以及商業模式的比較分析使得對此產業未來策略以及經營的動向,做了更進一步的詳述本產業並且針對在中國本地即將面對的經營挑戰也做了解說明,並從中了解到此產業在包裝的產物鏈上所採取的優勢策略、及應對方針並以各種分析模型做了現在與未來的績效方針及因應對策目前中國經營所面臨的最大的問題有以下兩項:第一是資源再生鐵桶,桶源的問題,第二是加強虛擬垂直整合。在研究中發現,面對未來競爭,資源再生鐵桶廠商除持續不斷提升技術並與化工產業同步演進開發外,針對產品品質的提升及符合市場需求並有效的降低使用者的包裝成本,更是不可忽略的重要因子。 In recent years, the energy resources are limited and the prices of the resources are keeping on rising. Many companies are forced to cut down the cost of production and use many different ways to increase the life cycles of products. Under such circumstances, the resource regeneration industry has gained increasing popularity. The key success factors of this newly created industry are environment protection and stable profitability. This resource regeneration industry is involves used metals, used papers, used packing containers, used batteries, used printed circuit boards, etc. The purposes of resources regeneration are to reduce the waste of all kinds of resources and allow the used resources to be renewed as much as possible.. Regenerating steel pails is not only a cleaning process but also involve advanced technical processes. The prevalent way of regenerating steel pails focuses on the reuse of the 55-gallons steel pails. This study examines the entire industry including the details of recycling process and the business model. The study also uses G Company as an example, to conduct the five-force analysis and compare business models. The results of the analysis also identify the strategies for future expansion, especially for the China market, such as how to take the advantage of the packing process and how to run the business effectively. At present, there are two major problems to run a steel pail regeneration business in China. The first is the source of the used steel pails and the second is how to strengthen the virtual vertical integration. This study provides the steel pail regeneration company with the suggestions on how to face the future competition, how to continuously upgrade their technical skills, how to keep pace with the chemical industry, and how to satisfy the requirements of the market in lowering the cost of packing process.