在流通服務業的供應鏈管理中,由於營業銷售的資訊不對稱且不透明,導致供貨廠商無法掌握零售賣場的銷售及庫存量,因此供需經常無法即時被滿足,所以面對批發流通服務業與零售業的戰國時代,如何有效掌握庫存與補貨速度,而能進一步的提升企業的核心競爭能力,是供貨商與零售商致力追求改善的終極目標。所以如何早先一步利用導入行動科技來改善公司經營效率,並且能夠有效的提高公司的核心競爭能力與競爭優勢,是目前產業界主要課題。因此,本研究欲探討有關導入行動網路科技是否對流通服務業的營運成效有顯著提升,以及產生什麼樣的效益。經由相關的文獻回顧(包括電子商務、M化、流通服務活動與通路、環境分析),並經由實地訪談流通服務業者及作實務觀察分析,發現導入行動網路科技對流通服務業競爭優勢在成本、速度、效率及服務都能有顯著的提升。所以希望個案能提供流通服務業者應如何因應經營環境的改變,並提供其經營策略模式,以作為流通服務業者擬定策略的參考。 In the supply chain, distributors frequently fail to satisfy retailers with sufficient product volumes because information asymmetry inherently exists between distributors and retailers. Insufficient visibility is likely to lead the distributors to poor performance and eventually losing customers. Thus, how to improve the visibility and enhance the capability of replenishment is the key to success for distributors. Recently, Internet, e-business, and smart phone are prevalent. These technologies bring various new applications for firms to enhance their efficiency and effectiveness. Enterprise mobilization thus emerges and is proposed to distribute relevant information real time, speeding up firms’ internal operations. Distributors are trying to implement such technology in support of their internal operations. Thus, this study aims to understand whether implementing enterprise mobilization is able to enhance distributors’ operational performance and what benefits can the distributors gain after the implementation. We conducted a case study by documentation and observations in order to understand the implementation of enterprise mobilization within a target firm. Our results demonstrate that implementing enterprise mobilization is able to reduce costs of operation, speed up internal operations, and enhance replenishment capability. This study contributes to the distribution industry with a good example of enterprise mobilization implementation.