對於製造業而言,產能擴張一直是值得注意的問題,但產能擴充往往需要投下大量成本,此外仍有其它因子如勞力、原物料、需求變化等會影響總成本。因此每項決定都需要有通盤的考量,整體決策因而訂定。在本文中,我們想要知道 在允許暫時性的缺貨情形下,要如何對整體進行規劃以及盡可能減少閒置的情形發生。利用整數規劃模型以及分枝界限的技巧來求解以及獲得最佳成本的決策方向。 Capacity expansion is always a considerable decision among manufacturing organizations, but implementing expansion is usually accompanied with a great deal of cost. Besides, there are lots of factors affect the total cost we may spend such as labor cost, raw material cost, demand variation, etc. Therefore decisions should be made through considering all the factors and as carefully as possible. Finally the expansion strategy will arise. Our research is based on the policy using inventory to postpone capacity expansion. We want to know what if we simultaneously allow temporary shortage and we want to reduce idle situations as much as possible. Then we make a trade-off among these strategies by constructing an integer programming model. At last we develop an algorithm that combines binary search tree and stepping stone method to solve our problem.