教育部即將推行十二年國民基本教育,教育環境更受到少子化現象之衝擊,勢必對學校經營上帶來重大衝擊,因此學校必須投入相當大的心力來提升學校的經營績效以致力改善教育品質提升,確保學校在面對內外在環境的衝擊,仍能夠繼續永續經營與發展。 本研究主要探討高職辦理輪調式建教班對學校經營績效之評估,以北區20所設立輪調式建教合作的私立高職為研究對象,透過資料包絡法進行研究分析,投入項為教師人數、職員數、校地面積,所選取之產出項有學生數、畢業數藉由學校投入與產出項間分析,進而找出樣本中經營績效成功的學校,可作為其他學校日後實施之參考。 研究結果證實從整體效率、技術效率、規模效率、規模報酬、參考集合分析,結果顯示以啟英高中效率最好,其次為成功工商、南強工商,其他學校在教學設備要時時更新,照顧師生福利、教學環境等措施,時時檢視學校運作情形,以提高經營效率。 The Ministry of Education (MOE) will promote the 12-year compulsory education however, the significant impact on the relationship between the transforming educational environment and the declining birthrate phenomenon has caught our eyes. It is found that it’s necessary for schools to devote much more efforts to ensure better operating performance as well as more sustainable development. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the performance of the rotary cooperative education programs at 20 senior technical and commercail vocational schools in the northern Taiwan. In addition, Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) were employed during the research analysis. Thus, suggestions and recommendations for future research are thus discussed. DEA was employed during the research analysis, and we can examine the performances of the private schools by the norms of total efficiency, technical efficiency, scale efficiency. Accordingly, we can conclude that the top three high schools with excellent performances are Chi-Ying, Cheng-Kung, Nan-Chiang. From their brilliant management achievement, I, therefore, suggest other schools renovate the teaching equipment constantly and pay attention to the welfare of their teachers and students. Meanwhile, teaching and learning environment, the operation of the schools and other indications should be examined all the time in order to improve the operating efficiency.