本論文中,我們以LED為光源設計一擬真蠟燭燈。藉由結合導光元件以及散射元件,我們成功地制作了一近似真實蠟燭行為的蠟燭燈。此外,透過電路控制並輸入一特定的頻率訊號,使得此蠟燭燈的閃爍行為與與真實蠟燭受空氣擾動時相似。 In this thesis, we propose a high-fidelity candle light based on a white LED. According to the combination of light guide and scattering element, we seccussfully manufracture a lighting device and the lighting behavior is much similar to real candle. Besides, we input a series of specific signals by electric device to modulate the twinkle mode.