「創業」是現今社會的發燒話題,隨著國內創業風潮的崛起,「創業」一詞在台灣民眾心目中被認為是離開受薪階級或是面對裁員壓力的唯一道路。 「創業」視為推動國內經濟、激發創意之主要途徑,而微型的零售流通事業更為其它各產業兵家必爭之地,吸引大量潛力競爭者爭相投入。而台灣大部分民眾在初次創業時就如同開發中國家弱勢階級的謀生活一樣,但能否持續生存卻是「創業者」的最大挑戰。微型創業資源少,但透過商品、高品質服務等無形價值,有助於提升競爭優勢。本研究即以「平行輸入」創業相關課題存在的現象來做出分析,進一步尋找可持續發展更佳之經營模式方法。 本研究採個案研究方式,平行輸入精品店創業以N公司為研究對象,藉由鄭漢鐔教授(2013)提出的「8+商業模式」與「8+財會模式」理論,做為本個案研究之環境考量與依據策略的主要工具。接續在產業環境考量下,針對N公司進行SWOT分析,透過商業模式規劃執行層面找出優、劣勢差異性,來探討創業在經營歷程中所遭遇的關鍵問題,提出其因應之對策以及可行性分析之經營策略。 最後得以本研究的結論,試圖提出建議:創業關鍵因素有二:一個是產業的選擇,首先清楚了解自己的定位,另一個則是團隊的建立,並透過差異化以專業取勝找到市場利基。據平行輸入精品店本身創業經營模式的策略要有創意,有特色、有店家風格,並建立內部學習型組織,以文化及核心理念來支持公司管理能力運作機制,做為公司永續發展的關鍵因素。 Nowadays business is a topic’s society that has elevated the growth wave of small and medium enterprises considered all over the word as "entrepreneurship", in this sense the development of Taiwan economy has been set up under this perspective leaving behind the pressure of employees. The “Entrepreneurship” triggers the domestic economy and stimulates the creativity however the proliferation of small retail distribution industries is given causing competition among each other. Taiwan’s micro entrepreneurs are facing the above-mentioned situation being the "entrepreneurship" the biggest challenge in order to keeping in the market. The research analyzes a parallel input entrepreneurship related to this situation and proposes a business model for the sustainable development of the micro entrepreneurs taking as case of study approach the parallel importation of boutique venture with N company by applying "8 + business model" considering environmental issues as the main policy tool. In addition a SWOT analyzes and 8+ Business Model were carried out to explore the entrepreneurship development in the business process facing key issues. The research concludes that the sustainable development of the boutiques’ entrepreneurial business model has to be focused toward the creativity, innovative and assuming internal learning organization. Finally, through the "8 + business model systems" a successful business model for the organic agriculture industry is contingent upon two key factors: the clear understanding of the company‘s position and the team creation to pursuit the identification of the differentiated niches markets.