根據內政部統計數據顯示,台灣在1993年即已邁入高齡化社會,老年人口佔總人口比例為7.1%,截至2012年底,老年人口數為2,600,152人,占總人口10.89%。壽險公會提出為因應我國人口高齡化之趨勢,有必要及早規劃退休生活,而高齡化保險商品之推動應運而生。2012年銀行保險保費收入約6,283.37億元,佔全體保費55.44%,本文探討銀行保險通路對於商業年金保險、長期看護保險兩個險種的銷售認同及其推動上問題探討,透過問卷以及深度訪問之研究方法,瞭解銀行保險之銷售者認同因應高齡化保險商品的重要性,但銷售上面呈現「客戶因報酬率高」而增加購買意願,其次為「商品簡單好說明」;再者對於銷售人員來說,「手續費收入計算高」和「獎勵列入辦法」也成為銷售此商品的動力,而保險公司的商品政策也呈現目前結果。 According to the statistic number of Ministry of interior, Taiwan has become an Aging Society since 1993. The portion of elderly was 7.1% relative to the total population. At the end of 2012, the number of elderly has risen to 2,600,152, which is it’sequal to 10.89% of the total population. To respond to this trend, tThe Life Insurance association proposeds the idea that people shall plan of planning yourtheir retirement life earlier. And that’s the time that the insurance products for elderly comes up. Banks’ total revenue ofbased on insurance costpremium in 2012 was about 6,238.37 hundred millions it was 55.44% of total insurance costspremium selling in that year. This paper intends to discuss the determinants of sale recognition of bank’s insurance distributor about the sales of Ccommercial annuity insurance and long-term care insurance products in bank insurance , and the challenge in practicinge. Through the questionnaire and depth interview, we understand the importance of bank’s insurance seller recognition to aging insurance product. But the results shows that the first driver in enhanceing the customer’s purchase intention is” high return”, and the second one is” simple description of product” on the other hands, for the sellers, the divers to sell the product isare ” high fee” and “bonus”. The product policy of insurance companies has the same strategies.