2005年P2P網路借貸平台先後在英國和美國興起,例如Zopa、Prosper、Lending Club等,透過網路平台作為借貸仲介,不需抵押與擔保,讓需要資金的人可以透過P2P平台找到願意出借資金的人,而平台主要收取服務費作為獲利來源。 中國P2P網路借貸平台在2006年仿效歐美起步,借鑑國外P2P基礎又有許多創新的營運模式。 但中國社會中,徵信體制建構不健全且P2P行業發展良莠不齊,透過政府有效監管與加強行業自律,促使P2P行業可持續、健康化發展成為正規金融體系外的有益補充。 In the year of 2005, the online Peer-to-Peer(P2P) lending platform started in the United Kingdon, then began in the United States. Such as Zopa, Proser and Lending Club. Through the platform, the borrower can find the lender without mortgage guarantee. The platform profits from the service charge.
In china, the P2P lending platform were established in 2006. They use the experince of the United Kingdom and the United States for reference. But there still have concers about the china credit investigation system and many of underperforming P2P lending compay in the market. The govement should enhance the management in the P2P lending platform to developed it as a well-rounded bussiness in china.