近年來世界各國著眼於文化創意產業可帶來可觀的經濟產值及提高商品附加價值,因此多將文化創意產業列入國家重點發展產業,且PWC在「全球娛樂及媒體行業展望暨文創產業邁向資本市場」報告中指出,全球文創產業在2012-2016年平均每年將成長5.7%,惟我國文創產業於全球市佔率不足1%,加上由我國中央銀行的資料發現,我國藝術、娛樂及休閒服務業之資本額及貸款金額佔全體企業比重不足1%,顯示我國文創企業透過舉債及資本市場籌資能力薄弱,因此本研究透過次級資料分析及個案研究的方式,來探討各國協助文創產業發展的政策,以及各國文創產業所採行之籌資模式,以作為我國在推動產業發展之參考。 Cultural and creative industry brings the significant economic value and raise the add-value for the product in recent years. Therefore, it was developed as the important industry all over the world. Meanwhile, the report from PWC, Taiwan “全球娛樂及媒體行業展望暨文創產業邁向資本市場”points out that global cultural and creative industries will raise 5.7% per year from 2012 to 2016. However, the market share of Taiwanese cultural and creative industry is less than 1%. Moreover, the data of central bank of Taiwan illustrated that compare with overall industries, the weights of capital and loans from art, entertainment and recreational industries in Taiwan is less than 1%. It reveals that Taiwanese cultural and creative enterprises has poor performance on debit financing and capital market. Thus, this study would like to take secondary data analysis and case study to discuss the policy and financing mode for developing cultural and creative industry in other countries and hope this study could be considered as a reference for developing cultural and creative industry in Taiwan.