本文研究在兩期雙序列交叉設計之下,受試藥及專利藥的生物對等性檢定。如果之前具有類似學名藥的試驗,則研究者具備此一受試藥生體可用性的先驗知識。所以,本文考慮使用貝氏方法分析生體可用性衡量值的穩健隨機效應模式,進行兩種藥物的貝氏生物對等性檢定。本文除了利用實例說明所提穩健模式及貝氏生物對等性檢定的應用,並且使用模擬方法研究在各種可能的隨機效應模式之下,此一貝氏生物對等性檢定的表現。 The article considers the bioequivalence test between the test drug and patent drug under a 2×2 crossover design. If there have been some generic drugs under study, then prior information about the bioavailability of the test drugs would be available. Therefore, this article considers a Bayesian test for the bioequivalence of the two drugs based on a robust random effects model for the estimated bioavailability parameters. A real data is illustrated based on the proposed Bayesian bioequivalent test. Finally, a simulation study is implemented to investigate the performance of the proposed test.