傳統計算依賴比的方式是將15 – 64 歲者定義為勞動人口, 而14 歲以下與65 歲以上則分別為幼年及老年依賴人口, 兩者除以勞動人口即為幼年及老年依賴比。然而教育擴張延後年輕人口進入勞動市場的時點, 以15 歲作為勞動及非勞動人口劃分點的傳統作法值得省思。本文使用政府普查資料及抽樣調查資料, 探討學生平均接受教育多久, 並且觀察勞動人口的劃分點應由幾歲比較恰當。本文借用Sanderson and Scherbov (2007) 預期年齡的觀點, 推測學生進入教育體系後, 平均上會就讀多久的時間。從結果來看, 平均一個7歲的學生開始受義務教育到完成學業,需要花費15年左右, 所以20歲左右的人都還是被扶養的階段, 在這邊我們認為勞動人口的年齡界定是有必要作調整的。 Traditionally in caculating the depedency ratio just define that the labor force is between 15 and 64 years old, the young population is under 14 years old and the aging population is above 65 years old. Using the both population divided by the labor force , caculating the young depedency ratio and the old depedency ratio. Since the educational expansion, the teenagers delay to enter the labor market. Still using the 15-year-old to divide labor force and unlabor force may not be appropriate. This article mainly uses the census data and sampling data discuss which age level for caculating the labor force is suitable. In this paper, we adopt the idea from Sanderson and Scherbov (2007). They propose the ”prospective age.” Using the concept, we caculate the ”prospective schooling years”. According to the result, a 7-year-old students enter into the compulsory education, may take 15 years to finish his education. Therefore, one aged 20 will still depend on their families, and we think age range of labor force need to be adjusted.