網路社群是現代網路使用者的主要集中地之一。使用者會在社群上公開個人資訊、分享生活經驗,或進行網路社交活動,大量集中的網路人口與使用者個人資料,吸引了企業、廣告商,或學術調查者,利用社群網站散佈問卷或收集個人資料。由於網路的開放環境特性,任何人都能搜尋甚至收集公開的個人資料,而收集來的資料也可能面臨被誤用或濫用的風險。從資料收集者的角度,為了讓使用者的行為偏向提供真實個人資料,他們可能會以提供一份獎勵的方式來當作刺激因素。本研究主要探討使用者對社群網站的隱私顧慮會如何影響個人資料的公開行為,以及誘因的存在與否是否會影響到使用者的隱私顧慮與其行為之間的關係,並由研究結果來對資料收集者提供建議。本研究利用「實驗室研究」作為研究方法,有效實驗樣本102人,實驗網站為虛擬社群網站。研究結果發現,使用者的「隱私顧慮」會受到「隱私操控」、「隱私安全信號」,與「信任」的影響,「隱私安全信號」對「隱私操控」與「隱私顧慮」有調節效果,「誘因」對「隱私顧慮」與「個人資料揭露行為」有調節效果。 Nowadays, Social Networking is one of the activity centers for online users. Many users disclose and share their life experience and mingles with one another through the Social Networking websites. Large number of users and huge amount of user’s personal information attract enterprises, advertisers, and academic investigators, who distribute network questionnaires or collect personal information on-line. Due to the open network environment, everyone can search for even collect others personal information, and network questionnaire can also be a way to collect user’s personal information, and the information collected could be misused or abused. Often times, information collectors may provide a gift or a reward to encourage users to disclose their genuine information. This study attempts to explore how user’s privacy concern affects their behavior in disclosing personal information, and if rewards would moderate the effects of privacy concern on disclosure behavior.Laboratory experimentation with 102 participants was carried out in this study. Result shows that “privacy control,” “privacy signals” and “trust” are antecedents to user’s “privacy concern,” while “privacy signal” moderates the effects of “privacy control” on “privacy concern,” and “reward” moderates the effects of “privacy concern” on “self-disclosure behavior.”