廣告為企業傳遞資訊給消費者的管道之一,一個具有說服力的廣告可使觀眾相信廣告內容為真實可信的。消費者會根據廣告的真實性對廣告做評斷,進而對廣告產生不同的認知及情緒反應。此外,人格特質亦會影響消費者對於廣告喚起的情緒反應。為了更了解真實性,我們將真實性分為兩種類型,分別為索引式 (indexical)真實性和標誌式 (iconic)真實性。本研究目的欲探討不同人格特質如何影響消費者對於廣告喚起的情緒以及認知反應,並檢驗其是否對於廣告效果有調節作用。另外也欲探討情緒及認知反應是否會影響品牌態度。
Advertising is one of the channels that the company delivers messages to the customers. A persuasive advertising makes audiences believe that the advertising is real and conceivable. Consumers may judge the advertisement according to its authenticity, which then induce consumers’ different cognitive and emotional responses toward the advertisement. In addition, personality traits have been affect consumers’ emotional responses to advertisements. To have a better understanding of authenticity, we classify it into two types: indexical authenticity and iconic authenticity. The purpose of this study is to explore how different types of authenticity influence consumers’ emotional and cognitive responses
in addition, the moderating effects of personality traits are examined as they are important to advertising effects. Furthermore, whether the emotional and cognitive responses influence attitude towards the brand is also tested.
This research model is tested with data from online questionnaire. The results show that different personality traits will moderate the influence of different authenticity on the levels of emotion and counterargument. Whether indexically authentic or iconically authentic advertisements were shown to extroverts, open people and agreeable people, they will evoke more positive emotions and lower counterargument. When neurotic people and conscientious people see the iconically authentic advertising rather than the indexically authentic advertising, they will produce more negative emotions and higher counterarguments. In addition, the emotion evoked by advertising had significant positive impact on brand attitude and the counterargument evoked by advertising had significant negative impact on brand attitude. Finally, this research provides some managerial implications and directions for further research.