資訊分享行為是人際互動中不可或缺的一環,人們藉由彼此的交流與他人進行重要或是專屬的資訊傳播,而社群媒體的出現也促進了資訊分享的效益,對群眾而言,分享的效率更加快速,對企業主而言,消費者之間經驗分享也藉由網路口碑的方式加速了產品與服務的曝光率,此外社群媒體的高黏著度也使企業主逐漸重視社群媒體行銷的經營,常見的社群網路行銷包含網路廣告以及虛擬品牌社群的建立,過去研究也已針對影響消費者廣告態度之前因進行探討,尤其又以內容因素為主題進行探討,本研究參考多位學者之研究架構,針對廣告內容的資訊性與娛樂性進行影片式廣告態度的探討。 同時,加入口碑評論的觀點,探究Facebook上正負面口碑對於使用者觀看影片式廣告態度之影響,在探討完前述變數對於廣告態度之影響後,本研究分析使用者的影片式廣告態度對於後續分享意圖的影響,最後基於社會網絡理論,加入關係強弱探究其對分享意圖的影響。 本研究一共提出四個假說,採用實驗法做為本研究之設計,依廣告內容(資訊性/娛樂性)、口碑評論(正面口碑/負面口碑)與社會連結(強連結、弱連結)分成2x2x2=8種情境,以網路傳遞實驗網站,並將受測者進行隨機分配。經過分析後四項假說皆為成立,證實娛樂性質的影片廣告相較於資訊性會形成較高的廣告態度,正面口碑相較於負面口碑會形成較高的廣告態度,而廣告態度會對分享意圖造成正向影響,訊息傳遞方與接收方間的強弱關係之高低對分享意圖之影響則會有所差異。 經本研究結果之推論,娛樂性影片所形成的廣告態度顯著高於資訊性,亦即企業主於廣告設計時應盡量以娛樂導向為主,此外,當使用者無法感受到影片所傳達的娛樂性質時,與其設計閱聽人無法理解的娛樂性影片,導致負面口碑影響消費者觀感,不如設計能夠有效傳達產品實用性的資訊性質影片廣告,讓使用者能更加透徹的了解產品的相關資訊,這也象徵企業主經營社群行銷時,應更加注意口碑效應的影響,以即時做出改善。 Information sharing behavior plays an important role in interpersonal interaction people exchange and disseminate specific information by communicating. Due to the popularity of social media, the efficiency of information sharing improves the effect of e-WOM, and the enterprises gradually focus on the social media marketing. Past researches have invested the antecedent of attitude toward advertisement, especially focus on contents of advertisement. Our conceptual structures was based on several literature reviews about advertising attitude, it was primarily focus on the impact of entertaining and informational advertisement on consumer’s attitude toward advertisement. In addition, this research also explores the impact of WOM on consumer’s attitude toward advertisement. Then we discussed the impact of advertising attitude on sharing intention. Finally, this research based on social networking theory to explore the impact of strength of the relationship on sharing intention.This research has proposed four hypotheses. It conducted a 2 (content: entertainment/informativeness) × 2 (WOM: positive/negative) ×2 (tie strength: strong/weak) between subjects experiment design. An experimental design was implemented by passing experimental website through Facebook and all of our samples were randomly assigned one of eight scenarios. The results shows that the advertising attitude of entertainment is significant higher than informativeness advertising attitude of positive comment is significant higher than negative advertising attitude will positively influence intention to share strong tie will cause higher intention to share than weak tie. According to above results, this research provides some managerial implications. It proposes that advertiser should try their best to design entertaining advertisement in order to attract more consumers. However, if consumer cannot clearly understand the meaning of entertaining advertisement, it may cause negative comment and spread quickly through Facebook. In order to solve this question, it suggests that advertiser can use informational advertisement to spread useful information when the effect of entertaining advertisement is not as expected. This result indicates that advertiser should pay attention to the effect of WOM carefully when they dedicate to perform social media marketing.