本文使用以極座標為主的梯形網格與三角網格來模擬PN二極體,其中三角網格有鈍角與銳角兩種網格,它們各自有不同的等效電路模型,利用兩種三角網格來模擬二極體,並與梯形網格比較,驗證其結果與用梯形網格模擬時相近,更加確定本文所開發之三角網格的精確性。此外,針對梯形網格無法直接從原點開始定義的問題,本文最後有做一種結合梯形與三角形等效電路的混合網格來模擬圓柱接面,不但成功佐證其結果與梯形網格接近,同時因為此技術之突破,可使用三角網格取代梯形網格,並應用於任意接面的元件模擬。 The goal of the thesis is to develop the triangular mesh in polar coordinate system, verifying it has the similar characteristic as trapezoidal mesh. There are two equivalent circuit models of triangular mesh, one is acute, and the other is obtuse. According to the result of diode simulation, the property of triangular mesh is close to trapezoidal one, making sure that the mesh is accurate enough to simulate the diode. In the end, we develop a new mesh consists of trapezoidal and triangular meshes, improving the problem that the device can’t be simulated from origin by trapezoidal mesh. The error between mixed mesh and trapezoidal mesh is smaller than five percent, proving they are alike in the same cylindrical junction. The technology can be applied to arbitrary semiconductor junction, defining every region by different meshes to optimize the device.